The Blog

50,000 Likes? That Calls for a Celebration!

What exactly is the value of a “Like” on Facebook?

When it comes to my personal social media pages, it’s a nice little feeling to know that someone likes the picture I posted of my kids, or got a kick out of the two line anecdote I told. Which is great! Who doesn’t love those likes?

But after starting Sleep Sense and creating a business page on Facebook, I found a new level of fulfillment in social media.

Because even though it started off as a way to promote the program, it quickly evolved into a whole community where new mothers, experienced mothers, some super-experienced mothers and grandmothers, started sharing their experiences, offering advice, and advocating the importance of sleep for both mother and baby.

In short, it became a safe place for new mothers to get information without feeling judged. And to be honest, I never expected that to happen, and if you had’ve told me that was what my Facebook page would grow into when I first started it, I would have thought you were setting your sights WAY too high.

So now, every time I see that someone new has liked my Facebook page, it gives me a real sense of pride, knowing that this wonderful community of mothers has reached out and embraced another member into its ranks. People helping people for no other reason that to share their knowledge and experience with others who benefit from it. As an educator, I’m absolutely overwhelmed at what we’ve built here.

So you can imagine that my pride in all of you reached a bit of a peak this week when our Facebook page hit its 50,000th “Like.”

That’s 50,000 moms out there who found a comfortable place to get answers to some of the most daunting questions a new parent can ask. “Is my baby sleeping enough? How often should they be napping at this age? I’m exhausted! Is this really normal? How long is this going to go on before my baby starts sleeping through the night?”

So to all of you who took the time to share your experience and your knowledge, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. (As I’m sure the thousands of moms you’ve helped do as well.) And I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate a little bit.

So here’s what we’re doing. I want you to nominate someone you know who’s either a new parent or soon to be one. I’ll pick out ten winners at random and I’ll send them…


That’s right. Every product I have to offer. All of them to each winner. That’s the Sleep Sense Program, for those early sleep issues, The Food Sense Program, for those days when they’re fighting to get their kids to try new foods, No-Sweat Potty Training, for that most humbling of parenting challenges, and Kids:The Manual, for the behavioral conflicts of the toddler-through-teenage years.

It’s an entire parenting encyclopedia, and it’s free to ten parents, nominated by you, the unsung heroes who took the time to help anonymous strangers with your experience and expertise.

So go ahead and name some names in the comments section below and keep an eye on your Facebook Messenger inbox! We’ll pick the winners in exactly one week from today! And thanks again, from the bottom of my heart, to all of you who made this possible.

Baby Not Sleeping Through The Night?

Get One-On-One Help!

Yes, The Sleep Sense™ Program is a great Do-It-Yourself guide for solving your baby or toddler’s sleep problems!

But if you’re looking for full-service, one-on-one help, I’m here to help!

The Sleep Sense Philosophy

Cry-it-out? Coddle? Co-sleep? Attachment parenting? Ferberizing?
If you’re going to let me help you with something as precious as your child’s sleep, you probably want to know a little bit about who I am and exactly how I think...

Dana’s Sleep Blog

Straight talk about sleep, parenting,
babies, toddlers, relationships… and
just about anything else!
My blog is a great place to find opinions, advice, the occasional rant, and some great videos about sleep.

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