About Dana Obleman
Creator of The Sleep Sense™ Program

Click above to watch me on Good Morning America!

Hi, I'm Dana, and my job is to get your baby sleeping through the night.

(And taking long, restful naps during the day, too!)

Now that might not sound like a very exciting job to some people.

But for me?

It’s what I *live* for.

In fact, I’ve dedicated the last 20 years of my professional life to making sure that EVERY parent who struggles with sleepless nights gets the help they need.


Because I remember.

I remember what it’s like to be a brand new mom who feels like a failure because her baby won’t sleep through the night…

I remember how frustrating it was trying to understand all the conflicting advice I was getting from my friends, my mother, my midwife, and random strangers on the internet…

And I remember feeling like my marriage was falling apart because my husband and I were both cranky and exhausted after months of sleepless nights.

Education & Qualifications

I have one degree in Psychology and another in Education. I’ve presented my methods to pediatricians at one of the country’s biggest universities, and I’ve been featured on national media like CNN, The Washington Post, Today’s Parent, The Huffington Post, and WebMD. And more than 125,000 parents like you have used The Sleep Sense Program to get their children sleeping through the night.

There. Now back to the important stuff… :)

HA! Speaking of my husband, he just walked in while I was writing this and reminded me that an “About” page is supposed to talk about my qualifications… so here goes:

I have one degree in Psychology and another in Education. I’ve presented my methods to pediatricians at one of the country’s biggest universities, and I’ve been featured on national media like CNN, The Washington Post, Today’s Parent, The Huffington Post, and WebMD. And more than 109,000 parents like you have used The Sleep Sense Program to get their children sleeping through the night.

There. Now back to the important stuff… :)

You know what else I remember?

I remember the first time my son slept for 8 hours without waking up. I leapt out of my bed at 6 AM and ran to his room, certain something must be wrong.

What a rush of emotions it was (relief, surprise, disbelief, etc.) when I opened the door and saw him sleeping peacefully.

I also remember when — 2 nights later — he slept for 12 straight hours.

And I remember when — less than a week later — he’d slept straight through the night for the 3rd time in a row.

I looked down at him as we were having our morning cuddle — just him

“We did it.”

It’s such a vivid memory for me that it brings tears to my eyes even now — all these years later.

And do you know what the best part is?

It’s that I get to make moments like this happen for parents like you — every single day.

Now after saying all that, the truth is that the BEST way for you to get to know “about me” — and about The Sleep Sense Program — is to answer the questions below.

As soon as you do, you’ll get some customized sleep strategies for your child that you can start using right away.

baby sleep coach

Baby Not Sleeping Through The Night?

Answer Six Simple Questions to Find Out Why

Baby Not Sleeping
Through The Night?

Answer Six Simple Questions To Find Out Why.

My child is:

My child's bedtime is:

My child wakes:

My child falls asleep by:

My child sleeps:

My child
is a:

Ok, that's all I need! Where should I send your results?

Client Testimonials

child sleep training testimonials