How to Get Your Child Sleeping Through the Night!
Using the Same Fast System Trusted by Pediatricians and More than 125,000 Parents around the World!
If you’re the parent of a child who isn’t sleeping through the night, it’s important that you read this page carefully.
You see, in the next few minutes, I’m going to share some pretty alarming facts about the dangerous effects of poor sleep on our children.
And – more importantly, you’ll hear about a step-by-step formula that has already helped over 125,000 parents like you to solve their child’s sleep problems – and can get your child sleeping straight through the night!
But before we get started, let me ask you…
Does Any of this Sound Familiar?
We don’t know each other personally, but I’d be willing to bet that reason you’re reading this page is because you’re dealing with one of these extremely common (but incredibly frustrating) sleep problems:- Your child will ONLY fall asleep when nursing or bottle feeding. This is one of the most common causes of sleep problems, and I’ll tell you how to fix it quickly!
- Your child needs a soother or pacifier in order to get to sleep. Of course, whenever that soother falls out, YOU’RE the one who has to go put it back in. You’ll find out how to break this habit FAST!
- You are waking up with your child once, twice, three (or more) times each night. The reason? Your little one needs to learn to fall asleep WITHOUT your help. Discover how in a minute…
- Your child needs to be rocked, bounced, or taken for a car ride in order to nap. Or (even worse) your child seems to REFUSE to take a nap — despite the fact that he or she seems tired. I’ll show you how to make naptime EASY for everyone!
- Your OWN lack of sleep is starting to take a toll on you and your family. Studies prove that infant sleep problems are closely linked to postpartum depression. This is a non-drug way to deal with those “baby blues…”
Now, you already know how frustrated, exhausted, and stressed-out your child’s sleep problems are making you feel…
But take a moment and imagine how these problems are affecting your child!
Important Reasons Why You Should Fix Your Child’s Sleep Problems Right Now
A good night’s sleep is vital for everyone… but it’s especially important for babies and children because of the rapid pace of brain development during those first few years. And the effects of children NOT getting enough sleep are pretty alarming! Here are just a few of the findings that have been recently published:
- Children who don’t sleep well have lower IQs than children who do. (Sleep Medicine. 2010 March 11)
- Children who get less than 10.5 hours of sleep per night are significantly more likely to be obese. (Pediatrics. 2010 February 8)
- Boys who don’t sleep well are at a significantly higher risk for hyperactivity. (Pediatrics. 2009 November 1)
- Children who sleep less than 11 hours per night score lower on all kinds of school tests, including math and literacy.
(SLEEP Abstract #0040 San Antonio, 2010.) - Babies who don’t sleep well at night consistently perform worse on tests designed to assess memory, emotional control, and organization. (Child Development. Nov/Dec 2010.)
In other words, if your child isn’t sleeping straight through the night, they’re not getting the sleep their brain and body requires to function optimally. That’s the bad news.
But Here's the Good News
It doesn’t have to be this way.
I’m about to show you a system that will get your child sleeping through the night AND taking long, restful naps during the day.
It’s called Sleep Sense™. It’s been used successfully by more than 125,000 parents like you.
And if you keep reading, I’ll show you why it works – and how you can get started with this system right now!

Here’s Why Sleep Sense™ Works
Sleep Sense™ works for three reasons:
- It’s easy to follow! Sleep Sense™ is a simple, step-by-step online video course that shows you exactly what to do every day and night. There’s no confusion. There’s no guessing. I’ll explain to you WHY the steps are important… and then show you exactly how to follow them.
- It’s customized for YOUR child. When you start using Sleep Sense™, you choose your child’s age – and then follow a system designed especially for that age group. Plus, Sleep Sense™ lets you choose from two different approaches, based on your child’s personality. (A “sensitive” child will respond better to one approach, where a more “active” child will respond to another…)
- It’s complete. As you’re about to see, Sleep Sense™ really does give you absolutely everything you need to solve your child’s sleep problems! My #1 priority in creating Sleep Sense™ was to make sure that NO questions were left unanswered – so that parents are NEVER left wondering “What am I supposed to do now?”
In other words, Sleep Sense™ is the ONLY resource you’ll need in order to get your child’s sleep problems solved. Period. And – as I’m about to show you – teaching your child to sleep through the night using Sleep Sense™ is actually VERY rewarding.

Why You Should Trust Me to Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems
Before I show exactly how Sleep Sense™ works, I’d like to take just a minute to introduce myself properly and explain why I’m asking you to place your trust in me… I’m Dana Obleman, and in addition to being a mother of three wonderful kids, I’ve worked full time as an infant and child sleep consultant since 2003.
I have a degree in Psychology (King’s University – Class of 1997) and another in Elementary Education. I’m routinely invited to speak at major infant and parenting trade shows as a recognized expert in my field. In addition, I was recently invited to share my methods with a prominent group of family doctors at the prestigious University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Medicine. Over the past couple of years, I’ve also appeared on national television, been a featured guest on a syndicated radio talk show, been interviewed for several major newspapers, and appeared on a number of regional television news programs.

I’m not trying to sound boastful here, but I really think it’s important for your peace of mind (as a parent) to understand that I’m a recognized, qualified professional who’s been doing this for a long time and takes your child’s sleep very, very seriously! Ok, now that you know a little about me, here’s how Sleep Sense™ can help you – starting today!
Everything You Need to Get Your Child Sleeping
Through the Night
Sleep Sense™ gives you absolutely everything you’ll need to get your child sleeping straight through the night! You’ll have instant access to:
1. Daily Video Coaching.
A new, easy-to-follow module every day for 14 days. Modules contain a combination of video lessons and planning resources (all accessed online) designed to help you put everything you're learning into practice as quickly and simply as possible.
Expect to spend an averate of 15 - 20 minutes per day on each day's module. Everything is laid out for you in a clean, straightforward way designed to focus on the most important content and eliminate confusion.
You should see a dramatic improvement in your child's sleep after just 2 or 3 nights, but it's important to complete all 14 days of the course to help your little one really internalize their new sleep skills.

2. Expert 1-on-1 Messaging Support
You'll have access to a private, direct messaging channel with our team of Certified Sleep Sense Consultants. If you have specific questions about your child's sleep, ask away! You'll get a thoughtful, detailed response back from our team of experts within 24 hours (but usually much sooner).
Your questions will be answered by a professional sleep consultant with a minimum of 2 years experience working with parents on solving their children's sleep issues. Unlike many of my competitors, you'll be working directly with a real, human expert - not an automated bot or a customer service rep!

3. Sleep Space Audit
As parents, it's easy to miss potential causes of your child's sleep problems - even when they are right in front of you! Simply use your phone to send us 3 photos of your child's sleep space, and our team of experts will prepare a comprehensive video audit for you!
Not only will your customized Sleep Space Audit identify anything that might be interfering with the quality of your child's sleep, but we'll also make sure that your space is SIDS-safe by pointing out any safety concerns.

4. "What If?" Video Library
As a mother of 3 myself, one thing I've learned is to "expect the unexpected," and that's certainly true when it comes to sleep!
The truth is that even after you've taught your little one to sleep straight through the night, there are going to be sleep challenges down the road. Transitioning to fewer naps... moving from a crib to a bed... getting back on track after an illness, and so on.
With that in mind, I'm also including a comprehensive video library that deals with the ten most common sleep challenges that parents run into AFTER their baby is sleeping through the night!

Designed To Fit Every Budget
Because a healthy night's sleep is so important to your baby's health - and because I remember EXACTLY how desperate and alone I felt when I was struggling with my own son's sleep problems - I've made it my mission to ensure that Sleep Sense™ is affordable for everyone:
What Happens If It Doesn’t Work?
If you choose to place your trust in me and become a customer, I’m going to do everything I can to help you get your child sleeping through the night in the shortest time possible. However, if you ever feel like Sleep Sense™ isn’t working for you and your child, I want you to know two very important things:
- I’m here for you. My goal is for every parent who places their trust in me and Sleep Sense™ to solve their children’s sleep problems as quickly, gently, and easily as possible. If you have any questions at all, I encourage you to reach out via chat support. I really, really want you to succeed… because I’ve seen first-hand how much better parents feel once they’ve solved this problem.
- You’re protected by my “No-Hassle” Guarantee. Even though Sleep Sense™ is a great resource, the truth is that no solution is going to work for absolutely everyone. And with that fact in mind, I’ve always offered my customers the fairest guarantee I can think of. It’s simply this: You can get your money back for any reason within 30 days of purchasing – with no hassles. It really is that simple, but here’s the “fine-print” stuff :)
My 30-Day “No-Hassle” Guarantee
Because you should be 100% comfortable trying out Sleep Sense™, you're protected by a simple, straightforward guarantee...
If you decide – for ANY reason – that Sleep Sense™ isn’t right for you and your family, simply send an email to or call 206-923-9489 within 30 days of purchase for a prompt and polite refund of your full purchase price... with no questions asked!

Here’s How To Get Instant Access
If you’re ready to put those long nights of interrupted sleep behind you… If you’ve decided to make a commitment to your child’s health by giving them the gift of a good night’s sleep… And if you’re ready to get started today – I’m looking forward to helping you!
To join the more than 125,000 other parents who have solved their children’s sleep problems – once and for all – using Sleep Sense™, just choose your package below to get instant access!
What are the Consequences of NOT Taking Action?
At this point, maybe you’re still a little unsure whether or not Sleep Sense is right for you. That’s perfectly natural. After all, you’ll be making changes to your child’s sleep routine, and you want to be sure you’re doing the right thing! The truth is that sleep is incredibly important for our children – no matter how old they are! Doctors agree that healthy sleep habits are just as important as a diet and exercise – and some argue it’s even MORE important.
Just to recap a few of those studies mentioned earlier:
- Children who sleep longer have higher IQs. (Sleep Med. 2010 March 11)
- Children who get at least 10.5 hours of sleep per night are significantly less likely to be obese. (Pediatrics. 2010 Feb 8)
Boys who sleep well are at a significantly lower risk for hyperactivity. (Pediatrics. 2009 November 1)
- Children who sleep well score higher on all kinds of tests, including math and literacy. (SLEEP Abstract #0040 San Antonio, 2010.)
- Babies who sleep well at night consistently perform better on tests designed to assess memory, emotional control, and organization. (Child Development. Nov/Dec 2010.)
In other words, both common sense AND the scientific community agree: Sleep is really, REALLY important for your child! If you DON’T give your child the necessary skills to sleep well, you’re putting them at a dramatically increased risk for the things that ALL parents want to avoid!
I’m not saying this to scare you… I’m just really passionate about how important sleep is for kids – and I think it’s our job as parents to give our children every advantage we can! And because Sleep Sense™ is able to give your child these skills so quickly and easily, I hope you’ll take this opportunity to give it a try!
Sleep well,

Dana Obleman, B.A. (Psych.), B. Ed.
Creator of Sleep Sense™
P.S. Want to know the #1 reason why parents wait (and wait… and wait…) before they decide to finally DO something about their children’s sleep problems?
It’s guilt. As parents, we’ve been told that getting up over and over again during the night with our children is “part of the job” so it makes us feel selfish to want a good night’s sleep. Well guess what? Sleep problems AREN’T something that our children just naturally “grow out of.” (If you’re going through the same struggles with your child night after night after night, you already know this to be true!)
The fact is that babies who don’t sleep well become toddlers who don’t sleep well. Those toddlers grow into teenagers who don’t get the sleep they need… and eventually into adults with sleep problems.
And the unfortunate truth is that sleep problems are closely linked with everything from obesity to ADD to depression to heart problems! So put that guilt away! Teaching your son or daughter how sleep independently doesn’t just let you get a full night’s sleep… It’s also the right thing to do for your child!
P.P.S. If you’re still reading, you probably still have an unanswered question or two.
If that’s the case, here are the 5 most common questions parents have BEFORE getting started with Sleep Sense™:
1. Is my child too young to use Sleep Sense™?
Answer: You can get started with Sleep Sense™ on the very first day of your baby’s life. In fact, the earlier you start, the easier the process will be! When you place your order, you’ll be asked to choose one of the following age groups:
- 0-3 months
- 4-6 months
- 7-12 months
- 12-24 months
- 24 months and older
This allows me to give you advice that is designed specifically for YOUR child’s age group. (Obviously, you’ll need to follow different steps with a newborn than you would with a 3-year-old!)
2. Is my child too old to use Sleep Sense™?
Answer: Sleep Sense™ is designed for use by parents with children aged 5 and under. If your child is over the age of 5 and still not sleeping through the night, I recommend you get in touch with a medical doctor who specializes in child sleep issues or a child psychologist.
3. Is Sleep Sense™ a version of the “cry-it-out” method?
Answer: No.
The “cry-it-out” method works like this:
Step 1: Put child to bed.
Step 2: Walk away.
Step 3: Let child scream, cry, howl etc. until child is asleep.
Now, while the CIO method does “work” (in that your child will eventually cry herself to sleep) most parents simply aren’t comfortable with it. I don’t think a parent’s brain is “wired” to listen to the hysterical crying of their child without doing something to comfort them!
However, your child will probably cry at some point during Sleep Sense™. This is your child’s way of protesting change, and it’s to be expected. If you’re unwilling to tolerate ANY amount of crying (not even for a minute or two), then Sleep Sense isn’t going to be right for you.
4. I’ve already tried everything. What makes Sleep Sense™ different?
Answer: I’ve asked my customers and clients why they think Sleep Sense™ worked when everything else they tried didn’t.
The most common answer? Because it’s simple. There’s not a lot of fluff and theory and “beating around the bush.” It’s just a straightforward, easy-to-follow system that tells you what to do, when and how to do it, and what to do when things don’t go as planned.
Now, that’s what my customers tell me! I myself think that what makes Sleep Sense™ different is that it’s customized based on the age of your child as well as their personality type! Where most other resources out there take a “one-size-fits-all” approach, I believe that you need to take a very different approach with a sensitive newborn than you would with a strong-willed 3-year-old, and that’s why the content of Sleep Sense™ is customized for your child’s age!
5. How long will it take to see results?
Answer: This is the one question that just about EVERY parent asks! But since every child is unique, it’s impossible to give a specific answer.
However, I can tell you that most parents start seeing a very dramatic difference in the length and quality of their children’s nighttime sleep after the 3rd night of using Sleep Sense™.
Now, many parents have told me that their children started sleeping through the night on the first or second day… whereas for other children it takes longer. But if you follow the steps of Sleep Sense exactly, you should expect to see some serious improvement within the first 3 days.
If you’re STILL unsure of whether Sleep Sense™ is right for you, remember that you have a full 30 days to evaluate the product AND the results. If you’re not 100% satisfied – for any reason at all – you can get a prompt a polite refund by calling 206-923-9489 or e-mailing
P.P.P.S. If you take a look at some of the testimonials and videos on our Success Stories page, you’ll see that almost everyone who decided to try Sleep Sense™ was hesitant at first.
They weren’t sure how it would be any different from any of the other “get-your-baby-to-sleep” advice they’d heard… but the results speak for themselves!
Why didn’t we try this sooner?! As we speak he is sound asleep in his crib – and has been since 7.15 pm. We are so pleased to get the evenings to ourselves again, and Tinius – who has always been a very happy boy – is even more happy now!*
Thank you, Dana, for your Sleep Sense program. It saved my family.
– – Ronica (3 children)
My husband and I found a really nice balance between what we both wanted to do to ensure our children had a great sleep at night.*
–– Leslie (7 month old son)
Since we got Sleep Sense, our lives have not been the same.
–– Katie (10 month old daughter)
It so changed our life, and probably saved our marriage as well. It has meant the world of difference to me and my family.*
– – Jennifer (10 month old son)
For most people, a nursery is a place where there is joy, and peace and fun, and for so long…it was a place of frustration and anxiety and overwhelming exhaustion. I encourage you, if you have not bought this program, it will make such a difference in your life and the life in your child.*
–– Michelle (11 month old son)
It is the best investment we’ve gotten for our dollar.
–– Lynne & Jay (6 month old daughter)
I must say the program is nothing short of a miracle… our little baby was 5 1/2 months when we did it… and its changed all of our lives.. Ryder sleeps thru the nite and naps like a baby! Prior, he was up to nurse 4-5 times a nite and had never really slept in his crib during the day to nap… I had to either rock him or nap with him on me… turns out the little guy loves to be in his crib!*
– Jill Guttridge
*(Disclaimer: Testimonials are from satisfied customers. Results vary.)