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Getting Started With Potty Training

Most milestones in parenthood are a little on the bittersweet side. The feeling that our babies are growing up so quickly can be emotional, to say the least.

Not so much with potty training though. The day we get to stop dealing with diapers is pretty heavily weighted in the “Oh yeah!” category.

But it can be tough to know if baby’s ready to take the step. And what’s the fallout if we try to potty train too early?

Not to worry. Today, I have some great tips for deciding if your little one is ready to start potty training, and a few more to help you both get through the process as quickly (and cleanly) as possible.

Rather read than watch? Click here. Why wait? Try out my No-Sweat Potty Training Program and get started today! The sooner you get the process started, the sooner you can bid farewell to diapers and baby wipes, and you and your child can both celebrate your new-found independence.

Baby Not Sleeping Through The Night?

Get One-On-One Help!

Yes, The Sleep Sense™ Program is a great Do-It-Yourself guide for solving your baby or toddler’s sleep problems!

But if you’re looking for full-service, one-on-one help, I’m here to help!

The Sleep Sense Philosophy

Cry-it-out? Coddle? Co-sleep? Attachment parenting? Ferberizing?
If you’re going to let me help you with something as precious as your child’s sleep, you probably want to know a little bit about who I am and exactly how I think...

Dana’s Sleep Blog

Straight talk about sleep, parenting,
babies, toddlers, relationships… and
just about anything else!
My blog is a great place to find opinions, advice, the occasional rant, and some great videos about sleep.

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