Hi, I’m Soha!
I am the founder of Peaceful Nights-Sleep Consulting. I am a wife, a mother of two beautiful kids, Youssif and Layla, and a Certified Sleep Sense™ Coach.
Once upon a time, I was a sleep-deprived Mom. For so long, I believed sleep deprivation was a normal part of the journey of Motherhood. In 2010, I was blessed with my first baby boy Youssif, and I tried my best to prepare myself for many sleepless nights mentally. Despite my efforts, the lack of sleep wreaked havoc. My life was a mess; I could not focus on my work, my relationship with my partner started to suffer, and we were frustrated and so exhausted. We did not know what to do or how to help him sleep. After nine years, I gave birth to my little princess Layla, who was exclusively breastfed to sleep, and she would only find comfort sleeping while being nursed! This time, I decided to find a solution, educate myself and learn how to make her sleep through the night. I did nearly everything, read many books, sourced the web, asked questions on Facebook groups, watched YouTube videos, and listened to friends and family’s endless suggestions. Unfortunately, nothing worked for us, and I was at the end of my rope!
My husband and I decided to make an investment in our rest and hired a Sleep Consultant when Layla was nine months old. This decision was a game-changer and the best investment we have made.
I admit I was skeptical and anxious initially. After following a customized and easy-to-follow plan, Layla finally started sleeping through the night for 11-12 hours by the age of 10 months and taking 2-3 hours restful naps during the day. Layla was getting up happy, looking well-rested, energetic throughout the day, and so were we. I started getting my sleep back within a few weeks too. I was able to get my evenings back, go out with friends and enjoy my ME TIME
How have I become a Certified Sleep Coach?
This life-changing experience got me so excited to spread the news to friends and family; I talked to everyone I know about this magical thing called “Sleep Training” and how it transformed our life. Since then, I have developed a passion for sleep and decided to take this path as a career. I have undertaken one of the best sleep training programs in the USA; The Sleep Sense Program by Dana Obleman. This comprehensive training and mentorship program has provided me with scientifically proven methods and techniques that have helped over 100,000 parents worldwide solve their kid’s sleep problems and can get your child sleeping through the night.
I believe that each child is unique, and so are my customized plans, which consider different family dynamics, cultural differences, and parenting styles to tailor an easy-to-follow sleep plan just for you and your child.
The best way to get more information on how I can help you solve your child’s sleep problems is to book your FREE 15-minute discovery call. This will allow us to discuss your child’s particular needs and create the best sleep solution for your family.
Say goodbye to restless sleep and welcome Peaceful Nights.