Over the years, I’ve received hundreds of sleep success stories (letters, emails, and videos) sharing how well The Sleep Sense™ Program has worked for families like yours. Here are just a few of them:
After three months, Gianna and Tim felt extremely lucky that their daughter Lucia was such a good sleeper.
She’d eat regularly, every three hours or so, and then she would just happily, naturally fall asleep.
But after those first few wonderful months, Lucia started to get particular about when and where she would take her naps, and especially what her routine involved.
“It started getting to the point where we would rock her and rock her,” said Gianna. “We’d lay her down in her crib and she’d wake up the second we put her in there.”
After a particularly grueling night, and somewhere between two and three hours of rocking with Lucia still wide awake, Tim and Gianna called their doctor to ask what they could do.
Their doctor mentioned that Lucia might have developed some sleep associations, which was an unfamiliar concept to both parents. They went online to do some research, and after some searching, Gianna discovered the Sleep Sense Program.

Ready to see these kind of results with YOUR son or daughter? You can get The Sleep Sense Program (at a great discount) using the link below:
Rather read than listen?
Lily was a good sleeper most of the time. Then, at nine months, when Lily began teething, she began nursing more often during the night.
At first, it was twice a night, then three times, and then she wouldn’t fall asleep after nursing, so Kristen starting lying on the floor with her.
“It just kept snowballing,” said Kristen.
Kristen and her husband had been trying for a while to get pregnant, and now that their dreams had come true, Kristen felt conflicted that she was, on the one hand, so overjoyed about having a baby, and on the other, so miserable from her lack of sleep.
During their first family vacation, Lily hardly slept at all. Kristen ended up sleeping the entire trip on the hardwood floor and they ended up packing up and heading home three days early.
That was when Kristen realized she needed to get some help.
Click below to listen to her story…

Rather read than listen?
Plus, you can read or watch plenty more sleep success stories below! Oh, and if you’ve got a sleep success story you’d like to share with me, please get in touch at dana@sleepsense.net.
*Disclaimer: Testimonials are from satisfied customers. Results vary.
Lyle was initially a pretty good sleeper, according to his mother, Megan. He would go to bed at around midnight and sleep until 7 or 8 in the morning.
But then, at about 3 ½ months, Lyle started getting fussier with his eating, and was only napping for 10 to 20 minutes during the day.
At night, his parents had to rock him to sleep. When that stopped working, they reverted to driving him around in the car.
It would take 45 minutes to an hour before he would fall asleep, and then Megan would have to hold her breath while she carried him from the car to his crib, and attempted to lay him down without waking him up. Something had to change.
Then, at her high school reunion, a classmate told Megan about her success with the Sleep Sense Program. Megan and her husband started the program the following day. Click below to listen to her story…

Rather read than listen?
Why didn’t we try this sooner?! As we speak he is sound asleep in his crib – and has been since 7.15 pm. We are so pleased to get the evenings to ourselves again, and Tinius – who has always been a very happy boy – is even more happy now!*
It so changed our life, and probably saved our marriage as well. It has meant the world of difference to me and my family.*
– Jennifer (10 month old son)
For most people, a nursery is a place where there is joy, and peace and fun, and for so long…it was a place of frustration and anxiety and overwhelming exhaustion. I encourage you, if you have not bought this program, it will make such a difference in your life and the life in your child.*
– Michelle (11 month old son)
It is the best investment we’ve gotten for our dollar.*
– Lynne & Jay (6 month old daughter)
The strategies in the program are so practical, so educational, and so fair.*
– Jessica (1 year old son)
Thank you, Dana, for your Sleep Sense Program. It saved my family.*
– Ronica (3 children)
My husband and I found a really nice balance between what we both wanted to do to ensure our children had a great sleep at night.*
– Leslie (7 month old son)
Since we got The Sleep Sense Program, our lives have not been the same.*
– Katie (10 month old daughter)
In nine nights, we were able to just put her down and leave the room.*
– Jodie (9 month old daughter)
I must say the program is nothing short of a miracle… our little baby was 5 1/2 months when we did it… and its changed all of our lives.. Ryder sleeps thru the nite and naps like a baby! Prior, he was up to nurse 4-5 times a nite and had never really slept in his crib during the day to nap… I had to either rock him or nap with him on me… turns out the little guy loves to be in his crib!*
– Jill Guttridge
If (the Sleep Sense program) can work for Camden, who was waking up every hour throughout the night, it can work for anybody.*
– Tricia (3 month old daughter)
The Sleep Sense Program taught me not to create more hurdles for myself.*
– Christina (3 month old and 4 year old)
You were our saving grace.*
– Linda (8 month old son)
Now, we put him down in his crib awake, he plays happily… the whole family gets better sleep.*
– Rachel (9 month old daughter)
My husband and I have so much time for each other now in the evenings and not worried about waking him up. Once he is sleeping, he rarely wakes up to noises. I even hosted 8 friends last week while he was sleeping. I thought the noise would wake him but not a peep!
I can’t express enough gratitude for you writing this book, you have sincerely changed our lives! Thank you so much!*
– Kim Conner
Every night I’m grateful, I thank the Lord above that I ran into The Sleep Sense Program.*
– Amy (10 month old daughter)
Sleep is the best gift anyone could have ever given me. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my family from sleepless nights.*
– Paulin (6 month old daughter)
The steps are so easy to follow. They make sense. The Sleep Sense Program gives you all the tools you need to do it.*
– Jackie (6 month old daughter)
The clouds opened and the heavens came down and she started sleeping.*
– Sheila (2.5 year old daughter)
I just want to share that I am THRILLED with your program! We are now into the 2nd month and even in the very beginning he is sleeping 11-12+ hours straight through the night!
He has learned to put himself back to sleep and we never thought that would happen, it has been simply amazing! We used to be the parents who got no sleep, now our friends are jealous that he sleeps so many hours through the night and their child doesn’t! I brag to EVERYONE about how well he sleeps and that we have a life again!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I never dreamed I would sleep through the night for 8 hours again! You are awesome!*
– Stephanie A.
It was hard work, but it really pays off in the end. We are really glad we used Sleep Sense.*
– Margaret (4 month old daughter)
I appreciate how you gave me step by step instructions. I was totally guided through this whole entire process.*
– Maria (5 month old son)
A couple weeks ago he started protesting bedtime again and I just turned to your book again and started training him again, started a routine again, and it took maybe a night or two and he was back to his old self. Thank you so much. It has meant a great deal to our family.*
– Lori (6month old son)
The brilliance of this program is just unbelievable, and it’s so well written… it reassures you the whole way through.*
– Adele (14 month old son)
I had a 6 1/2 month old that was up 5 times a night. Now he sleeps 11-12 hours at night and takes two 1 1/2 hour naps each day.
It is so nice to put our 10 month old in his crib and listen to him talk to his stuffed dog before he falls asleep. Within two weeks of starting the program he was sleeping through the night.
At this same time he started mastering his milestones as soon as he started sleeping. I now have a super energetic baby, but he does sleep well. Thank you so much for the program!*
– Beth Quave
It has really changed my energy level and her energy level. I don’t know what I would have done without it.*
– Rebecca (9 month old daughter)
Our whole family sleeps through the night, and we are so grateful for that.*
– Kelly (5 month old daughter)
After Sleep Sense: no more hysterics at bedtime and her room was a place she loved to be!*
– Dawn (20 month old daughter)
I’m four months pregnant, and you can bet we’ll be using the techniques we used in the Sleep Sense Program; and we’ll be using them a lot earlier than six months.*
– Madelaine (6 month old son)
I wanted to thank you for your wonderful manual. I have a baby girl of a year and a half who was very active during the day and was having problems sleeping through the night. Thanks to your program she’s sleeping all night, and though she sometimes wakes up, it is for very little time and she goes back to sleep on her own.
It’s been a blessing for me and my husband, but of course also for her, since she wakes up very happy and goes about her day happier than ever and as active as always, too.*
– Miredly Ramos
The information on the program is wonderful. It makes sense, it’s not hard to implement, and it really does work.*
– Lara (2 month old daughter)
I found the Sleep Sense program and it is probably the best money we’ve spent when it comes to our child.*
– Sarah (6 month old son)
Thank you Sleep Sense! My daughter Is happy, content, and a great child to take care of.*
– Gillian (8 month old daughter)
If it wasn’t for you, our daughter would be a single child!*
– Tammy (9 month old daughter)
I must say the program is nothing short of a miracle…Our little baby was 5 1/2 months when we did it, and its changed all of our lives.
Ryder sleeps thru the nite and naps like a baby! Prior, he was up to nurse 4-5 times a nite and had never really slept in his crib during the day to nap .. I had to either rock him or nap with him on me .. turns out the little guy loves to be in his crib! My deepest thanks.*
– Jill, Mike, and baby Ryder
They sleep even when we travel, and we travel a lot.*
– Kara (2.5 year old son)
It honestly was a godsend. If you keep on track with the program and listen to the advice that is given, and take it seriously, it works wonders.*
– Lane (6 newborn son)
The manual has age specific plans… so you could start at any point with your baby no matter how old they were.*
– Stephanie (9 month old daughter)
To our surprise it only took three days with minimal crying on first day and no crying on the other two.*
– Edna (1 year old son)
I ordered the sleep sense program and had wonderful results.
Tyler slept through the night without any crying by the second night.
Thank you for the information, it really helped!!*
– Jennifer Brahsear
We started the Sleep Sense program about three weeks ago and our entire life has changed in our house. We are eternally grateful for the tools the Sleep Sense Program has given us.*
– Sarah (10 month old daughter)
Silence is golden, thanks to you; and we really do attribute this to you.*
– Tammy (9 month old daughter)
We have never looked back. Our household was transformed. I can’t thank you enough.*
– Gaynor (6 month old son)
Dana’s program has been so helpful in our house to give us some really specific strategies and skills and support to help our children have healthy sleep.*
– Lauren (4 year old daughter and 8 month old son)
It is 10 to 7 on this lovely Spring evening and Joshua is sleeping soundly in his cot as he did last night and the night before for 10-12 hours.
Thankfully, your Sleepsense plan put us all back on track and we hopefully will never look back.
Many thanks again and good luck in all that you do.*
– Toni Taylor
I was just amazed at how simple and practical and easy this program was to use.
* – Rachel (6 month old daughter)
Thank you very, very much for your hard work and thank you so much for the book; it definitely makes my life much better.*
– Eva (7 month old daughter)
I always say that I can handle anything during the day with my children as long as I’m getting my sleep at night, and thanks to the Sleep Sense Program, I’m getting my sleep at night.*
– Jill (3 month old son)
I cannot rave about this enough. I’ve told all my friends.*
– Catherine (5 month old son)
We are writing you because we feel so well rested for the first time in 11 months that we actually have ambition to do things like email people!!!
It has been one week today and I can tell you the improvement is incredible! He goes to bed 2-3 hours earlier (and is truly tired) he sleeps completely thru the night and awakes only an hour earlier than before!
Now we can consider having another baby since I know this won't happen to me again!*
– The Bates Family (very well rested now!) Brandon, Angelique and Jace
Any mom that I talk to who has been asking about sleep issues with their child, I suggest that they check into your product because I have had such great success with it.*
– LeeAnne (4 month old son)
(Your book) changed my life… has helped me achieve what is one of the most important things; teaching them to fall asleep on their own.*
– Pily (2 year old daughter)
I could hold her because I wanted to, not because I had to.*
– Joanne (newborn daughter)
Thank you so much for writing the book and getting us back to our old sleeping habits and getting our kids into new sleeping habits.*
– Tammy (3 month old son)
Since getting onto your sleep sense program, Beau has been an angel. It was hard going for about a week or two when we first started, but now he goes to bed without hesitation and sleeps well through the night. It was a blessing to my husband and I.
We have regained our lives – slightly anyway and are back in the land of the living because of the sleep we now get in the night and a bit of a rest in the day.*
– Trev and Beau
We noticed a huge difference in her mood, her sleeping patterns. Truly it is a miraculous program.*
– Rhonda (22 month old daughter)
I am very thankful I came across your Sleep Sense program.*
– Nancy (11 month old daughter)
It’s written in a very easy to read language; it’s set up so you can easily access any of the sections you need; and that’s important, because as parents you don’t have time to spend researching what you need.*
– Rhonda (newborn daughter)
I was at my wits end and… I found the Sleep Sense program. She’s been sleeping through the night ever since.*
– Reagan & DJ (8 month old daughter)
I’m so thankful to have gone through this program.
It was easy to read/follow and the videos were an extra bonus to keep us on track! We looked forward to watching one each day/morning.
My 7.5 month old son now has the skills to put himself to sleep at night with little fuss. We noticed changes already on the second night, then by the 5th night he slept 10.5 hours through the night which was his first time ever to do this!
My husband and I have our evenings back and it feels great knowing that he has some independence with getting himself to sleep when he is tired.
Kudos Dana, you have a simple yet powerful program… which WORKS!*
– Mari Chris C.
I chose the Sleep Sense Program because it is suitable for every age group and I was a little concerned about our daughter only being 3 months (and 1 day to be exact). My husband and I read it and started the training that same night.
I had my doubts about the program working as well as was promised, and I thought, if any baby was going to prove this program wrong, it was ours! But, to our surprise, we saw MAJOR improvements on the first night!
We are now in week 3 of the training and I am happy to say that everyone is getting much more sleep. My husband and I have our nights (and bedroom) back to ourselves and our little girl is so much happier during the day time.
Gone are the days of swaddling and re-swaddling, rocking, bouncing, swaying and shushing. No more trying to transfer baby from our arms to her bed without waking her.
I realize now that we were doing her a disservice before by reacting to every little fuss and I feel like we have done such a good thing by teaching her this important life skill. Thank you so much!!!*
– Joanna B.
I was only 6 days into the Sleep Sense program (which was going great!) when I got appendicitis! So much for routine! Even after surgery it was impossible for me to get back on track for a few weeks.
However, the day I returned from the hospital, despite the chaos, my 11 month old son slept 10 hours straight for the first time and put himself down for 2 naps during the day for an hour and a half each, which he had never done before!
Until then I was convinced he only needed one nap a day. It was obvious to me he had learned some sleep skills over the previous week. He did become attached to a few old sleep props a few days later and woke a couple of times during the night because I had to do what was easiest for me while recovering from surgery (ie. nursing in my bed), but I knew the program worked and I could get him back into routine again when I felt able. Even during the disrupted routine however, he continued to have two naps during the day and took no time at all getting settled.
The Sleep Sense program provided the encouragement I needed to do what was best for my son and I started to reap the results the very first night. It without a doubt works. Thanks for the books, the videos and additional support.
It was all needed and worth every penny!*
– Kristin K.
Hi Dana, I used to put my baby in his cot at 7pm and he was back on my lap by 7.15pm. I would walk my lounge flat with him until finally getting him to sleep on my shoulder and putting him back in his cot at around 10pm. He would then wake up every 2 hours for a breastfeed. I was exhausted…
After putting some of your program into practice, he is now in his cot at 7pm and asleep by 7.15pm. I have time to cook and eat dinner, tidy the kitchen and relax in front of the telly with a cup of tea. I feel like my life is getting back on track. His nap times in the day work pretty much the same. He is much more happier. He is eating well and not cranky like he used to be.
I am eternally grateful for your help and will recommend your book to any other mothers who are hassling with their babies.
Thank you very much!*
– Wendy Bow
When our 8 month old twins were still getting up several times a night my husband and I were getting desperate for sleep. The endless nights of interrupted sleep were starting to take their toll on our life and our relationship. I was feeling totally fried.
I read several other books and tried countless other tricks to get my babies to sleep, but nothing worked. A colleague at work recommended The Sleep Sense program and it was a life saver. The book is easy to read and concise and the program is uncomplicated. My husband really appreciated the videos and they were a wonderful way to get him involved since he is not a big reader. One of the things I loved the most about The Sleep Program is that it addresses the problems and issues that can come up like teething, travel, early wake ups and naps.
The perfectly timed emails were fantastic. Teaching your child to fall asleep on their own is a big deal and can be very overwhelming but The Sleep Sense program gives you the information, the tools and most importantly the support and confidence you need to do the right thing for your whole family.
I can’t say Thank you enough to Dana Obleman. We have our lives back and my twins are well rested and happier.
I would recommend The Sleep Sense Program to all parents.*
– Celeste Levesque
I wanted to thank you for the Sleep Sense program. Things have been hectic at our house (contractors all over the place doing loud work during the day), so naptime has been challenging. But we implemented some things we learned from the Sleep Sense program at bedtime, and what a difference!!!
We’re only on the fourth night, but already Megan has developed her own self-soothing techniques, falling asleep on her own albeit with some crying, waking only once to eat during the night and putting herself back to sleep on her own with her other nightwakings.
My husband and I are so happy to have a long stretch of sleep again! Thank you so much. We still have some work to do regarding naps, but we’ll get there.
Thanks again and take care.*
– Christy Murray
This is the first time I have communicated with you directly since purchasing my online bible to a better life!! Austin took two and half weeks to get into the routine of an earlier bedtime and not relying on me to feed him prior to.
Our routine is bath, brush teeth, pajamas and bed (with a bottle) starting from 6.30pm. It used to be whatever it took to get him to sleep at about 7.30pm and still be struggling at 9.30pm. Now by 7pm it is ME time and I can not thank you enough.*
– Kind wishes, Stephenie B., Australia
I just wanted to write to let you know what a HUGE success your program has been in our household!
I am not a first time parent, my two older kids 4 & 5 have always been good sleepers. They both started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old and were also very good nappers. They would always get put to bed awake and before they were sleeping through the night, they only woke up once to eat and I never turned lights on or gave them any stimulation, I just fed them and put them straight back to bed!
With our third baby however I was not quite so vigilant. I guess it is because I know he is my last and I just always wanted to cuddle him. I knew in my head that I was creating a monster, but wanted to keep my baby a baby for as long as I could.
The other morning (at 3am) out of sheer desperation (he is 8 months old) I came across your web site and bought your book. Later that day for Orrin’s second nap I began implementing your strategies and lo and behold he slept for over an hour! I was thrilled!
And that night I put him in bed awake at 7pm without his soother and he went right to sleep and did not wake up until 6:30 the next morning. I was so happy and relieved to finally have a wonderful uninterrupted sleep. But was a little worried as I was fully expecting this not to happen for another couple of weeks. Beginners luck I thought, but sure enough it has happened night after night for 5 nights now. My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner.
Thank you very much!*
– Sarah Blackmore… no longer sleep deprived!
I purchased your program shortly after my first contact with your website many months ago. I am pleased to say that Georgia now sleeps through the night (12 hours minimum) and can easily put herself back to sleep should she stir during the night.
I am pregnant with my second child, due 3rd August, and am looking forward to putting this baby into a proper sleep routine much earlier than I did with Georgia.
I wanted to thank you for your sleep sense program, as I don’t know what I would have done without it. I refer to it as my “bible” and have recommended it to many of my friends. My beautiful Georgia is finally getting the correct amount of sleep and she is so much happier now that she is well rested. I only feel guilty that it took me the first 14 months of her life before I did anything!*
– Kind regards, Jenny P.
I actually purchased your Sleep Sense program a couple of months ago and I thought I would take this opportunity to thank you. It is absolutely amazing!
I followed all of your instructions and my 2-year old was sleeping through the night (in his own room) in less than a week. The first couple of days were terrible. He would come into our room about 15 times per night. He also threw terrible tantrums which included emptying the contents of his dressers and removing his mattress from his bed!
However, by Day 3 we started seeing positive progress. I don’t have to tell you what a difference it has made in our household. We are all sleeping again and my son’s overall disposition has improved. He was always a good boy but because he was tired, he would act out at times. I am happy to report that he has stopped throwing tantrums entirely and he seems generally happier and more secure.
I have referred you to six friends and I will continue to refer you to others having sleep issues.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!*
– Christie O’Toole
It has been six months since I purchased your program and after recommending it to yet another friend, I realized that I never passed along my thanks to you. This program changed our lives! After just a week of starting your program, our son, Connor (now 17 months), has been regularly sleeping through the night and still takes 2 naps during the day with little or no struggle.
I had read a few other books and articles about getting your baby to sleep through the night, but your book was the first one that really “clicked” with me.
Thank you for providing actual step-by-step instructions for implementing the program, unlike other books/articles, which discuss the theory and procedures at great length, but don’t give you the REAL tools you need, like multiple examples, a workbook, and the Sleep Sense spreadsheet. Using the examples you provided, I created a customized “Daily Routine” sheet for Connor, which I kept for about six weeks. The routine became so routine that we still follow it! Not only that, but another huge benefit was that I determined that Connor has some food allergies that I probably never would have realized had I not been recording his daily meals and sleep patterns!
Thank you again for making your program available at an affordable price and for conveying your knowledge in a straightforward yet compassionate manner. I’m just so thankful I found it for our first child! I truly don’t know what we would have done without it!*
– Sincerely, Kristin Oakes
I purchased your program 9 days ago and since then we have a new baby boy. Hayden slept 12 hours last night, from 7pm – 7am. WOW!!!!!! He now sleeps more during the day, in fact he sleeps for two hours at a time instead of just the standard 40 mins. And it’s all because we now start our routine earlier and put him to bed before 7pm. He only cries sometimes and that we think is because we let him go to long and he is slightly overtired. Otherwise he has adapted really well.
Thank you so much. Hayden now has a very happy Mummy.*
– Regards, Alison Jansen
I just got your message and program about 2 hours ago and I can’t believe I am writing you at 8:21 pm. This is usually when I am struggling to get my 3 year old to bed. But we followed your plan to the letter – developed a routine – and she was asleep by 8:12. I even hung around a little and have checked on her once just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
Thank you so much. I cannot tell you what a help this has been. I know every night might not go this smoothly but I now have hope for a normal life again.*
– Stephanie Haley
I just want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!! Your program really does work!!!
Our 15 month old son was waking 3 or 4 times a night. We were so tired that we would just put him in bed with us to get at least some sort of rest.
I bought your book last week and tried the first night. He woke several times but would be sleeping again in a matter of minutes. Now, less than a week later he goes to bed @ 7:00p and and sleeps 12 – 13 hours, maybe waking once.
Again thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!*
– Sarah Turnbaugh, RESTED MOMMY!!!
We subscribed to your Sleepsense program and I am pleased to say that last night, for the first time ever, Jaime slept for 9.5 hours!
I put her to bed at 7pm and she went to bed without any protest (this has happened for 4 sleeps in a row now!). She woke at 10pm so I fed her(roll over feed) and returned her awake to her bed….where she stayed until 7.30 this morning. I did hear her stir at 2am, however, to my amazement she re-settled herself back to sleep. After 13 consecutive nights of getting up to her at least twice during the night… my husband and I couldn’t believe it!
Thanks very much for writing a program that gave us (me in particular) the confidence to let her learn how to sleep like the big girl that she is (7 months now)!!*
– Best, Natalie & Simon
I bought the e-book one week ago one sleep-deprived night around 11PM. Voraciously I read a few chapters and resolved to start SleepSense immediately. I liked the practical, hands-on solutions you described for my 8-month old daughter. I’ve paid better attention to her physical cues for sleepiness. I didn’t even realize that she had a routine for the day until I read your book.
Planning my schedule around her naps is tricky, but well worth it. In less than 4 days she could sleep through the night WITHOUT me getting up to feed her and rock her back to sleep. In a week, she was able to go down to sleep for a nap or the night without a fuss – peacefully looking up at me as if to say, “thanks, I really am sleepy right now and I want to go to bed”.
Now I’m the one who has to adjust to going to sleep before 10PM! My clock is still wired to stay up to lull the baby back to sleep one last time before I put myself to sleep. After watching my daughter, my mother-in-law is very impressed with how easy it is to take care of her. Her words were, “whatever you’re doing is working, so keep it up.”*
– Sincerely, Winnona Gaviglio
I cannot thank you enough for giving me the gift of sleep! Two days before my son turned 9 months old, I was at my wits end and felt like I was on the verge of a breakdown. I had not had more than 4 hours straight of sleep in a year, and was truly exhausted. It affected my home life, my relationships with friends, and especially the quality of my work at my job.
My son had never slept more than 5 or 6 hours straight, but at 6 months old he began to wake up every 3-4 hours. I honestly thought he was just hungry, but didn’t realize I was setting him and myself up for sleep failures. Well, he is now 9 months old. As of last night, which was night # 8, on your sleep program, Christian slept for 10 1/2 hours straight! He woke up one time, cried for about 30 seconds, and was back asleep before I could even open my eyes to check the time. By night 3, he was sleeping 9 hours, which was amazing to me. Because I was so accustomed to waking up throughout the night, I can’t even sleep past 4:30 am now, but I know that it will take some time for my body to realize that it can truly rest again.
Thank you for giving me my me-time back in the evenings, for giving me sleep back at night, and for teaching me how to be a better parent. We are all much happier now, and I am even back to working out in the mornings while Christian sleeps. At this point, I am telling EVERY parent that I know about your program. It was well worth every cent and more!*
– God bless you! Gailda Davis
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
I just had my first full night of sleep in 5 1/12 months. It was the third night of implementing the program and she slept from 7:00 to 5:00 and went back down until 7:00. I am so happy I woke up crying:)
Thanks again! You are a life saver* ~ Elyce, Kevin, and Jaidyn Battle
Just to let you know that I purchased your book this day last week and I am so delighted to report that Charlie’s sleeping patterns have improved greatly so much so that he has slept through the night for the past 3 nights. It was the best money I ever spent on a book and I am really delighted with his progress all thanks to your book. I hope it continues!* ~ Claire O’Callaghan
I signed up to your sleepsense program around 2 weeks ago. The first night, Jamie fell asleep after 20 minutes. Since then, Jamie has slept through every single night.
This is a major breakthrough after 15 months of broken sleep!!! I already knew what I should be doing to get Jamie to sleep really, but your book gave me the confidence, and encouragement to actually do it.*
– Many thanks, Joy Lumb
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your sleep programme is fantastic and truly works! Last night was our 6th night and things are going brilliantly well! I really can’t thank you enough.
Joel slept through on the 3rd night, had a bit of a blip on the 4th night, but I think it was because he had a dirty nappy and was uncomfortable but 5th and 6th nights…straight through!
I can’t recommend your book highly enough and will certainly be mentioning it to all my friends in Britain who are having similar problems.*
– Thank you, Carolyn
You are a life saver!!!! Within 1,5 weeks of starting your program, Kaide is going down at 7:30 with no arguments, and he is managing to put himself back to sleep within 10 minutes, he is also having two nice sleeps in the day. I am a totally different person, and our relationship has improved tenfold.
After having just accepted that this was to be my lot in life, I had resigned myself to the fact that I would have to survive on between 3 and 5 hours sleep a night. I have my own business, which means if I loaf, I don’t get paid, so sleeping in the day is out of the question. Kaide is with me all day and would only sleep for 30 minutes once a day, so as you can imagine, I could not function to full capacity at all.
We got advice from everyone, and tried everything, but all people could say was, “you made your bed, now lie in it.” Everyone knew the problem, but no-one could give us a solution, even the doctors. That is until I stumbled upon your website. You made it so easy.
Our history with Kaide was the cause of the problem. When he was born, his Dad and I were building a lodge in the Kruger National Park. Seeing as the house we were in was the only accommodation at the time, we had to share it with builders, plumbers, head office staff etc etc, with up to 14 people sleeping in a three bedroom house with us and our 6 week old baby.
Kaide also had colic, and as I was the only one who never had to do heavy work, it was my duty to keep the little guy quiet when he awoke in pain, so everyone else could get a decent nights sleep. I would sit up all night with him to keep him quiet, and pass out at about 5am. During the day he would only sleep for 6 minutes at a time, so there was no time for me to sleep then either. As he got older we found that if he went down before 8pm he would wake at 9:30, and would not go back down until 12:00. If we put him down at 9pm, he would sleep till 8am, but still he awoke at least 5 times a night and needed me.
Having become so accustomed to rocking and shushing him back to sleep, when he awoke in the night, that is exactly what I would do. Not realizing that this was not actually what was expected of me, that my child would not despise me, or worse end up with a low IQ from screaming. I definitely suffered with depression and only now can I see how badly. I was starting to lose it, and Kaide and I were not enjoying one another at all. Your program has given us back our lives, and has recreated that special bond that I lost with my child.*
Thank you so much!
– Gary, Candice and Kaide
An absolute sanity saver!
Our little boy was waking 8-10 times a night, and I was falling apart. Within days he slept 5 hours straight – longest ever, then within a week he started sleeping 11 or 12 hours straight. The clincher for me is the fact that you can email in concerns and questions and they are promptly responded to – personally, not some generalised answer.
Thank you so much! I have recommended you to everyone I meet!* ~ Ann
Logan was 9 weeks old when we implemented the program and it was the best thing we ever did! I’m not going to lie and say it was easy (especially night 1), but by night 2 Logan was sleeping 12hrs and only waking once to feed! It was glorious!! Logan will be 3 months old this week and I can honestly say that he now enjoys his bedtime and nap times and is a happier and healthy baby boy and I can’t wait to have another!*
Thank you Dana!
– Sarah
I am on day 15 of sleep training and have had the best 24 hours in a LONG time! My 5 month old son slept for a full 12 hours with no crying to go down and then has had three great naps of an hour and a half each with minimal crying. Each day is better and better the longer you stick to the plan. The first day is very difficult and the are some set back days but all in all having a plan to follow helped me to go from waking every 2 hours in the night to a full 12- I’m not really sure how to cope with all this sleep! I have already recommended sleep sense to 4 friends and a stranger in the line up at toys r us!
I think the plan, the email support and the videos were absolutely great.*Thanks ~ Charlotte
You saved my life!!!!! Just after 1 night my 9 month old daughter was sleeping alone in her crib! I couldn’t believe it!!! Thanks!!!*
Thank you Dana!
– Tanya
Our 7 m old son was not sleeping and my wife was running on empty. We had read so many different tid bits and gotten so many different forms of advice but Nothing was working. My wife had gotten the number of a sleep specialist that we could set up an appointment via Skype with for over $300! I saw the sleep sense program and Dana online and convinced my wife to give it a try. Only 1 week on the program (check in method-10 min) he is sleeping through the night!!!*
Thank you!!!
– Jesse
Our little guy wasn’t a terrible sleeper, but it was quite a job getting him to fall asleep.
Using the sleep sense program was great because it was so specific and had an answer for every question we had. It was really reassuring to have a video everyday to confirm we were on the right track and making progress.
We have had great success. Little man goes to sleep at 7 without fuss and usually wakes up between 6 and 7. 2 good naps of an hour or two. The husband and I have been able to catch up and eat dinner together every night while baby boy snoozes peacefully!*
– Ruth
I was at my rock bottom and I hadn’t slept in weeks. I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage this new baby and a toddler.
There were lots of tears, then I came across the sleep sense program through a blogger. My 15 week old baby had already shown he could sleep the night so I went for it. The whole program changed my life and the life of my family. it changed the way I saw things and the way I parented.
I loved the way the program was set up and the coaching videos. I loved that Dana was no nonsense but at the same time compassionate to parents because this is not easy to do. Our baby has been sleeping through the night since day 2. I could not believe it. But I am a believer now.
Thank you for your help and guidance.*
– Diane
This program has been a godsend for me. My husband works away and so having to wake numerous times throughout the night was well and truly taking its toll.
My now 6 month old sleeps 7pm to 7am and his day sleeps range from an hour to 1 hour and 45 mins. Yes initially it hard work, because we took his dummy away (although he never really relied too much on it) and the crying was tough but having Dana’s email support to guide really helped me cope!!*
– Abbie
From the first day I started the program with my 6 month old, I had great success. I love how organized the 14 day program is. It felt like Dana was right there with me, helping me to tackle certain issues through her videos. I never felt alone and gained so much insight, knowledge and confidence to help my baby become a better sleeper. My baby girl went from getting 7-8 hours with a night waking to now sleeping 11-12 hours through the night. Although, I am struggling with her naps, I know it will get better.
I also liked how Sleep sense offers so many resources from the blogs to asking a direct question to a counselor. I emailed a question not sure if i would get a response or generic answer and was surprised to get a response quickly. The only area of improvement I would recommend is that some of the videos did not allow me to rewind or fast forward. So if I missed something I had to watch the video from the beginning. I would recommend this program to any parent.
*(Disclaimer: Testimonials are from satisfied customers. Results vary.)