sleep sense

Here's Your Custom Sleep Report

From the desk of Dana Obleman,

Trusted by over 104,776 re-energized parents.

Read this custom sleep report and discover the secret to a great night's sleep for you and your baby.

What's inside the report?

  • Is your baby over-tired...or not tired enough? - 6 danger signs that your baby is not getting enough sleep...
  • The truth about "Sleep Props" - could something (or someone)  be hijacking your baby's sleep routine?
  • "Just let your baby cry" - Ha! That's easy for you to say. Here's a better way to help your baby sleep through the night...

What's Really Going On
With Your 's Sleep

Your is and getting of sleep at night.

Based on your answers, it sounds like is getting enough total sleep but interrupted sleep can be the cause of additional problems.

Have you spotted any of these danger signs in your ?

  • Trouble falling asleep at night
  • Frequent and extended night wakings
  • Irregular naps
  • Low interest in day feeds
  • Crying of clinginess in the daytime
  • Sensitivity to new experiences

You told me your baby falls asleep with the help of a sleep aid. Bottles, soothers, rocking, walking or singing are what I call "Sleep Props".

A Sleep Prop is ANYTHING your baby relies on to fall asleep. It's the Number 1 cause of sleep issues like sleep resistance ... regular night wakings ... and irregular (or non-existent) naps.


The Little-Known Truth About

We all sleep in cycles. Each sleep cycle is made up of a number of crucial sleep stages. I won't bore you with the science - just know that each sleep stage is a must for your baby to grow up strong and healthy.

And know that every baby follows the exact same sleep cycles, day after day ... night after night.

Now here's where things get tricky for you and your baby...

The moment BETWEEN sleep cycles can make or break your baby's sleep. That's because this is when your tot is most likely to wake up and start screaming for mommy.

Want to know the REAL truth about night-wakings?

It's that Babies Are Supposed to Wake Up Regularly
During Long Periods of Sleep!

It's perfectly normal and healthy. Sure it's super frustrating ... but it's actually extremely beneficial for your little one.

In fact, humans evolved this way on purpose so we stay safe from harm while we sleep. Think of these night-wakings like mini security check-ins. In days gone by these check-ins would have stopped your sleeping baby from getting eaten by wolves!

Nowadays we don't need to worry about wild animal attacks. But that doesn't stop your Tiny Sleep Thief waking up at night.

Why Night-Wakings Are NOT
the Problem

As I mentioned earlier, babies are supposed to wake up regularly between every sleep cycle. The average gap between cycles is less than one hour. No wonder it feels like your baby barely sleeps at night!

It's why...

  • Your baby wakes 3 ... 4 ... even 5 times a night - and they rarely sleep long enough to feel fully rested and energized...
  • Bedtimes feel like a never-ending battle - they leave you worn out, frustrated and desperate for sleep!
  • Your baby refuses to nap more than 40 minutes at a time - even if they're exhausted and wake up cranky...

The fact of the matter is that regular night-wakings are inevitable. There's nothing you can do to stop nightly interruptions from happening.

Even the best sleepers still wake up hour after hour - every night of the week.

But there's a reason some babies don't cry ... fuss ... or scream for mommy.

It's because these Sleep Champs have developed an internal mechanism that lets them snuggle down - and drift effortlessly into their next sleep cycle .. and the cycle after that.

Until morning comes and everyone wakes up feeling refreshed and raring to go!

So what's the secret?

The only difference between troubled sleepers and Sleep Superstars is that they've learned how to switch on their "Internal Comforter" at the end of each sleep cycle!

It's a skill your baby can easily master - but more on that in a minute.

It's important you know this - night-waking is NOT the problem. Your baby simply has not tapped into their innate inner soothing system that lets them drift back to sleep without you when they wake up between sleep cycles.

Here's What Your Baby Should Do When
Wakes in the Night

Sleep-deprived moms often ask me if there's a fundamental difference between their baby, and babies who sleep like champs. Maybe there's a "sleep gene" that makes some babies sleep better than others. Here's the truth...

A team of researchers found that there IS a sleep gene which goes some way to explaining why certain babies sleep better than others. But genetics are just a small piece of the puzzle AND troublesome genes have ZERO influence on daytime naps.

So chances are your baby was not born a poor sleeper ... has simply picked up negative sleep habits over time. These habits have blocked your tot's ability to trigger their Inner Comforter.


Pediatric Sleep Expert, Dr. Darius Loghmanee agrees:

"We Look at Sleep Like it Either Magically Happens or Doesn't. Sleeping Well is a Learned Behavior"

And like all learned behavior, your baby needs to master the skill of internal comforting every time wakes - without being...

Rocked ...
Fed ...
Taken for a ride in the car or buggy...
Given a pacifier by mommy or daddy!

As I said before, all these things are Sleep Props. They're what stop your from sleeping through the night - and the reason why cries non-stop until you enter the room.


Why Your Baby's Sleep Prop is
Stealing Your Sleep

You can think of Sleep Props like the pesky little habits we pick up as grown-ups. My vice is coffee. I can't start my day without it. Do I REALLY need my morning cup o' Java before I get started? Probably not! But it's a crutch I lean on to get through the day.

The worst part is, the more I rely on caffeine to energize my body - the less my body creates its own source of energy.

It means I'm powerless without my daily coffee fix!


It's the same with your baby's Sleep Prop.

Your has learned to rely on to fall asleep at bedtime or at naptime. Do they really need a Sleep Prop? Absolutely not!

It's just that they don't know how to switch on their inner soothing mechanism - and re-settle when they wake up between sleep cycles.

So - whenever your baby wakes, they cry for their sleep prop - meaning mommy to the rescue multiple times per night!

The good news is, it's perfectly possible to teach your baby how to activate their Internal Comforter.

With just a few small tweaks to your baby's bedtime routine - you can experience a radical sleep transformation in as little as 14 days!

The Simple Way to Break Your
Baby's Sleep Prop Habit

Starting today you can tackle your baby's sleep issues - so you and your family wake up feeling refreshed ... energized ... and ready to seize the day!

The best part is, it doesn't have to be a battle.

After all, sleep is a natural process we all need to thrive. It means every baby (no matter how resistant they are to sleep) has it within them to sleep peacefully ... night after night.

All it takes is a helping hand from mommy and daddy to help break your 's Sleep Prop habit - so can become a champion sleeper!

You might be wondering if NOW is the best time to show your baby how to sleep through the night. Is it too early? Or have you left it too late? You're not the only one asking this question.

Many parents want to know if there's an idea "window" to break their baby's Sleep Prop habit.

The truth is this...

It's Never Too Late to Teach Your Baby to Settle Themselves to Sleep - But ... Certain Ages Are Better Than Others!


Let me explain.

It's 100% true that there is NO EXPIRATION DATE on encouraging better sleep habits. Later is better than never for your family's well-being and happiness!

But here's the thing - the longer you wait, the harder it is to show your baby how to sleep through the night. The reason for that is simple. The older your baby gets, the more "sticky" their poor sleep habits become. In  most cases it can mean -

... more resistance to new, positive sleep habits ...
... more difficulty removing sleep props ...
... more crying ...
... and more mom guilt!

That's not all! As babies get older they become more mobile. Just imagine the bedtime drama when your baby starts crawling, standing or walking - while you're trying to get them to sleep!

It's why now is the time to remove those pesky Sleep Props - so it's as simple and stress-free as possible to get your baby sleeping through the night.

It's why now is the time to remove those pesky Sleep Props - so it's as simple and stress-free as possible to get your baby sleeping through the night.


The Sleep Sense Program is Your Secret to Hours of Uninterrupted Sleep

For over 17 years I've helped thousands of exhausted parents get hours of uninterrupted sleep - even after months struggling with their baby's sleep issues.

When you follow my advice, it won't be long before your baby ...

  • Activates their Internal Comforter. Fed up with rocking, walking, feeding or singing for hours at bedtime? Get ready to reclaim your evenings because your baby can drift off happily without you!
  • Sleeps 10-12 hours per night. And naps like a rockstar so you can reclaim "Mommy Time" - to rest ... recharge ... and get stuff done!
  • Spends the whole night fast asleep in their crib. Kiss goodby to sharing your bed with a wide-awake baby - and wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to win the day!
  • Quits crying at night - Imagine hearing nothing from your baby until morning time! That's how life can be when your baby discovers how to sleep through the night..

What's even better?

In as little as two weeks you can transform your baby's bedtime - for a happier, healthier mommy, baby and family.

Discover how my Sleep Sense Program is the key to helping your baby ditch their Sleep Prop and get hours of uninterrupted sleep, night after night.

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