Sleep Sense

“Why Won’t My Child Sleep
Through The Night?”

Hi, I’m Dana Obleman — creator of The Sleep Sense™ Program. Since 2003, I’ve helped over 109,000 parents like you answer the very same questions you’re having about your child’s sleep right now.

Get A FREE Customized
Sleep Plan For Your Child:

1) My child is months old
2) My child's bedtime is
3) My child wakes times a night
4) My child falls asleep by
5) My child sleeps hours a night
6) My child is a
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Questions like…

  • How do I get my child to sleep through the night?
  • Can I get my child to sleep without relying on nursing, bottles, soothers, or rocking?
  • What can I do to stop my child from waking up during the night?
  • How can I get my child to take long, restful naps during the day?
  • Can I put an end to frustrating bedtime battles with my stubborn toddler? (Yes, you can!)
  • What do I do to get my child out of my bedand into their own room?
  • How can I make bedtime feel safe, comfortable and fun for my child?

I’ve got the answers to all those questions (and more), but first I think it’s important that you know a little bit about exactly how The Sleep Sense™ Program works – and how it’s different from any other “get-your-baby-to-sleep” information you’ll find online!

So let me start by giving you a FREE sleep plan customized especially for your child! (This no-cost information will show you exactly how The Sleep Sense™ Program works, and also gives you a TON of really valuable tips that you can start using tonight to improve your child’s sleep!)

Once you’ve clicked the “Submit” button, you’ll be taken to a page where you can download your customized sleep evaluation right away. Plus, you’ll be able to check out success stories and case studies from other parents like you!

Of course, if you’ve already heard about The Sleep Sense™ Program from a friend or family member and would like to get started immediately, here’s exactly what you’ll get when you order today:

  • The Sleep Sense™ Program Downloadable eBook. My no-nonsense baby and toddler sleep solution. 197 pages. Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions.
  • The Sleep Sense™ Program Quick-Start Guide & Workbook. Additional materials to help guide your progress. 49 pages. Includes tracking and planning tools.
  • Biggest Sleep Setbacks – Solved! Video Library. In-depth solutions to the 10 most common sleep setbacks. Simple, straightforward advice on what to do when things don’t go as planned!)
  • The 14-Day Sleep Coach Video Training System. Two weeks of daily “how-to” videos that show you exactly what to do every day and night. Customized for your child’s age group.)
  • Baby Sleep Bootcamp Video Recordings. Grab a coffee, sit back, and watch as I take you through the entire Sleep Sense™ Program on video. Separate recordings for newborns, babies, and toddlers.
  • The Sleep Sense™ Program Telephone Hotline. Weekly conference calls JUST for my customers. It’s a little like a radio talk show. Call me directly with your questions, or just listen in!
  • Two Personalized E-mail Support Sessions. You’ll get personal access to me and my team of Certified Sleep Sense Consultants, where you can send questions specific to your child. We’ll get back to you by the next business day!

You can click here to order right now – or just fill in the form above to get your FREE customized sleep evaluation today!

Dana Obleman Signature
Dana Obleman, B.A. (Psych.), B.Ed. (Elem.)

Infant & Child Sleep Specialist — Author, The Sleep Sense™ Program

P.S. Wondering if The Sleep Sense™ Program is right for YOUR child? The very best way to decide is by reading through the no-cost sleep plan you’ll receive by filling out the form on this page!

It clearly explains my sleep philosophy and the steps you’ll need to follow in order to get your child sleeping straight through the night!

Oh, and don’t forget to look for a special offer on the last page of your sleep plan, too! ;)