Finally... A Simple, Proven System to Get Your Baby Sleeping Through the Night.
$100 Discount Expires 3/14/24
What is The Sleep Sense Program?
The Sleep Sense Program is an online course that will teach you how to get your baby sleeping straight through the night. It’s a pediatrician-trusted online course that’s been proven to work by over 125,000 parents like you!
Using a combination of easy-to-follow video lessons AND a direct channel between you and a team of professional sleep experts, The Sleep Sense Program has been the Internet’s most trusted sleep course since 2005!
Over the course of 14 days, you’ll learn everything you need to know to get your little one sleeping 11+hours each night, and taking long, restful naps during the day. And the best part is that you can expect to see a real improvement in your child’s sleep after just the first few nights!

What makes The Sleep Sense Program different?
If you’ve already done some research online, you already know that EVERYONE has an opinion on the “right way” to approach your child’s sleep.
Some so-called experts suggest simply letting your baby cry themselves to sleep. Others say letting your baby cry – even a little – is just plain wrong.
The result? Spend an hour or so online researching “how to get my baby to sleep,” and you probably feel MORE confused than when you started. Not to mention like a failure as a parent – no matter what you’ve tried!
The Sleep Sense Program is designed to cut through this confusion. It acknowledges that all babies are different, respects your parenting style, and gives you a clearly explained system to follow that has already worked for over 125,000 parents.
The 3 things that set
The Sleep Sense Program apart are:

Direct Messaging With Sleep Experts

Daily Video Coaching

A Safe, Welcoming Community
The Sleep Sense Program follows best sleep practices as recommended by The American Association of Pediatrics, The European Academy of Pediatrics, The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and the Australian Pediatric Society.
Your enrollment includes instant access to all of the following:
Daily Lesson Modules
A new, easy-to-follow module every day for 14 days. Modules contain a combination of video lessons and planning resources (all accessed online) designed to help you put everything you’re learning into practice as quickly and simply as possible.
Expect to spend an average of 20 - 30 minutes per day on each day’s module. Everything is laid out for you in a clean, straightforward way designed to focus on the most important content and minimize confusion.
You should see a significant improvement in your child’s sleep after just 2 or 3 nights, but it’s important to complete all 14 days of the course to help your little one really internalize their new sleep skills.
Direct Messaging Support
Think of this as a text message or DM channel with our team of Certified Sleep Sense Consultants. If you have specific questions about your child’s progress, ask away! You’ll get a thoughtful, detailed response back from our team of experts within 24 hours (but usually much sooner.)
Your questions will be answered by a professional sleep consultant with a minimum of 2 years experience working with parents on solving their children’s sleep issues. You’ll be dealing with a real, human expert, not an automated bot or a customer service rep.
24/7 Community
Expert help is invaluable, but so is friendly advice from fellow parents. That’s why we’ve included access to our Parents' Forum, a private, parenting-centered social network EXCLUSIVELY for customers of The Sleep Sense Program. You can connect with other parents about sleep... and anything else to do with parenting!
Unlike other social networks, this is a place for positivity, support, and encouragement. We ask that all activity be focused on family and parenting, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for mom-shaming, haters, and meanies!
Sleep Space Audit (Optional Upgrade)
As parents, it's easy to miss potential causes of your child's sleep problems -- even when they are right in front of you! With a Sleep Space Audit, you'll send photos of your child's sleep space to our team of experts and get a comprehensive audit in return.
Not only will our team identify anything that might be interfering with the quality of your child's sleep, but we'll also make sure that your space is SIDS-safe by pointing out any safety concerns.

Meet Your Instructor
Dana Obleman
What results should I realistically expect?
The Sleep Sense Program has been around for 20 years because it works. After completing the course, you should see all of the following:
Ready For A Great Night's Sleep?
Here's How To Get Started:
Simply click on the button below and - after choosing your child’s age and completing your payment - you’ll be automatically logged into the Sleep Sense course, where you can get started immediately! You’ll be getting instant access to:
- Unlimited DM (Direct Messaging) access to a team of Certified Sleep Sense Coaches for 30 days
- Lifetime access to online video lessons (complete with schedules, downloads, etc.)
- 3 months of 24/7 community access in our parent-focused social media network
Discount Expires 3/14/24!
Your No-Risk Guarantee:
Since 2003, over 94% of customers have been delighted with the results of The Sleep Sense Program. However, since every child is different (and because there are many different parenting styles), there’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” solution.
With that in mind, please feel free to try out The Sleep Sense Program for 30 days at no risk.
If you decide – for any reason – that it’s not a good fit, simply let us know by contacting us through your membership portal, emailing or calling 206-923-9489 for a prompt, polite refund.

This is what our customers say about us.
As a first time mama with a Do-it-yourself mentality I thought I had the time, energy & Drive to figure out sleep training on my own. What followed was a flood of information, sometimes contradicting itself & a frustrated, worn-out, sleep deprived zombie. Through tears & fears I knew I needed support. My research had shown me many sleep programs; many too expensive and with little to no support. As I read through the sleep sense program I was astonished at the lasting resources and support available to me. I’m not there yet, but a more confident woman has emerged who’s baby girl is starting to consistently hit all the marks. So thankful!
This is overall a very helpful program. We have made plenty of mistakes with our first child but are working through correcting them. We have another baby on the way so I am very excited to do it right from the start with the next one!
One thing that would possibly be more helpful would be to include something about children who are in their beds not crying, but not sleeping either. Ours just keeps on playing and nothing in the reading material or videos that I have found really addresses that. Luckily I was able to talk with you a coule times on the conference calls so that was helpful.
BIG THANK YOU first(It is working)
Naps: You can emphasis on couple key points you have already did. I didn’t think it was as important until I paid extra attention at least. DARKNESS is on of the key point, I didn’t think it was so important until I tried it. When you emphasis it a bit more, people like me might save sometime and frustration. Other point is Leave and Check method. That was the last thing I wanted to try for all sleeps. In the end it works the best for my baby girl. In my head, I kept saying soft and gentle. Then we both struggle for hours and missing naps. Now she fuss for less than 10 mins and falls asleep on her own for all her sleep. Not real crying anymore. Of course 11-13 hrs of sleep through the night. To remind parents who have hard time leaving their child cry in a dark room, sometimes what we think is gentle may not be for the baby, sometimes what we think is hard may be the easiest for the baby. We get lost from our loving hearts.
Amazing job you have done Dana. I want all the parents who don’t have enough sleep to get help.
All is could say Dana is THANK YOU!! For months our 10 month old son was waking up 2x a night to pacify himself back to sleep on me. I felt so helpless because I didnt know what to do to break him of this habit! People would offer advice, like just let him cry but I didn’t feel comfortable with not knowing what to do WHEN he cried. Both my husband and I have been severely sleep deprived since our beautiful baby boy was born. I always seemed to be moody, my husband and I argued often, and I almost didn’t feel human at one point! It was then that I realized this has to change. We purchased your program and it was the best thing we could have done! Your program provided us with options of ways to help our son sleep that we felt comfortable with applying. It gave us step by step directions on how to handle each possible scenario as well as helped us tremendously with improving our sons lengths of naptimes! My husband and I now have time to spend with eachother at night and no more night time wake ups!!!!!! So amazing to have sleep back into our lives! I tell everyone I know with little ones to purchase your program if they want to get their lives back and give the gift of sleep to themselves and their children! Thank you so much again!
This was the best money I have ever spent! I went from being a sleep deprived zombie mom, preparing for long nights of wake ups to a full nights sleep! It’s amazing what a little sleep can do to make you feel healthy and happy again. I loved the coaching videos and love that I still have them in case I need to review them (which I have occasionally already). The written books were great as well and I refer to them often. The naps are still a little all over the place but I totally trust it will work out. Dana, I can tell you are very genuine, kind and caring. Thank you for sharing your gift to everyone. The only criticism I would give you is that a few days later I looked at the sweet tooth pdf. A day later I received an email about the sleep program and it offered me it for $39 and I paid $47. I had a friend tell me about this and she said she spent $29! I still took a chance at $49 and it is still the best money I have ever spent but maybe have some more consistency with price. I would also maybe not make the website so gimmicky because it may turn people away. Anyhow, thank you again and I wish you the best!
I have been very happy with the sleep sense program so far. The materials have been approachable and easy to understand. My baby takes great naps now and goes to bed without any issues. We are working on night wakings but the email support has been really helpful as we troubleshoot our issues.
Hi Dana,
I wanted to give you some feedback about the sleep sense program. We love it. It has worked WONDERS for our son. He was consistently waking up every 2 hours throughout the night and no one in the family was getting any sleep. We started this program on the 1st of December and by the 3rd he was sleeping through the night.( He was 8 1/2 months old when we started) Thank you for this early Christmas gift.
I wanted to share 2 constructive criticisms if I may. In your book and even in your video you say Nights 1,2 and 3 by the crib, 4,5 and 6 in the middle of the room and 7,8,9 by the door. However in video 6 you start by saying YAY YOU MADE IN THROUGH NIGHT 5, but then you have the listener move to the door that night. For the first 5 of your videos you say Day one is night one, day 2 is night 2 …..etc. But then on video 6, Day six you make it night seven and that trend continues for the rest of your videos. I hope that is helpful . If you go back and watch the 5th and 6th video you will understand what I mean.
ALSO, this is just a pet peeve but you use this word so often I thought I should point it out. Frustrating is said FRustrating not fusstrating. I know that may seem small but you use that word so often and as a teacher I just wanted to say that you will sound more credible if you pronounce this word correctly.
I hope both of these comments are helpful and not hurtful. Thank you again for saving our nights from and for our little guy! We have told everyone we know about your program.
I will forever swear by the SleepSense program! We started it 2 weeks ago with my 4.5 month old. I could tell a huge difference in his sleep patterns even after the first couple of days! He went from being up multiple times per night and doing 2 night feedings just to get him back to sleep to now, 14 days later, to sleeping completely through the night (8:00pm-7:00-am) and no night feedings! For 5 nights straight now, we have not had to get up to console at all! If he wakes up during the night, he is able to get himself back to sleep in just a couple minutes! This program has been a lifesaver! It works wonders for his naps during the day as well! I can’t say enough about how much this program really works!!!!
I absolutely loved this program and would Highly recommend it to any parent struggling with their child’s sleep. My 6 month old wouldn’t nap in her crib and was up for hours at a time at night because she wanted to be held or rocked back to sleep. Honestly we saw improvements on day 1 and by the third night she was sleeping 7pm to 7am! Now she not only still sleeps all night but takes 2-2 hour naps in her crib! This has literally changed my life!
Honestly, it’s the first program that has worked for me. I’ve tried atleast 5 others and all of them made me uncomfortable or just didnt work with our work/life schedule. Dana is honest, keeps it simple and provides the support parents need to get their children successfully sleeping.
Hi. Last night my daughter slept through the night for the very first time in her life. She is 6 months old now and slept from 7pm to 6am. It was her 11th night of the Sleep Sense Program and it was a lot of work, but now that we see the fruit of it, it is sooo worth it. My husband and I love having time in the evenings again and of course a good nights sleep. The most helpful resources for me were the Daily Coaching Videos. They give you the motivational boost for the next night. Thank you, Dana!!
This is my third child and I tried all the tips and tricks I learned with my previous two to try and get her to sleep- to no avail! I bought some online resources here and there but they all were the same information spit out in different ways, all of which did not help. My baby girl was never a good sleeper since birth and ONLY napped on me or my husband. Around 5 months she started having 3-4 hour stretches which was life-changing at the time since she was waking every 1-2 hours. Little did I know she could have been sleeping even longer if I had come across Sleep Sense sooner! Around 6 months old she was acting like a newborn again- waking every 1-2 hours and wanting to eat every time too! I thought maybe she’s teething or hitting a developmental milestone. But that lasted for a month before I was beyond exhausted and frustrated. I came across the Sleep Sense program on social media and figured why not? If it gave me the same information I’ve already received, I’d request a refund (which I honestly thought would happen!) I mean, why would THIS online sleep resource work when so many others failed? I read through the book and followed all the suggestions and the first night she cried for about 40 minutes which was rough but I kept reminding myself this was only helping her. And she slept until 4am! The next night, she whined, not even an actual cry, for a few minutes before she was asleep and again slept until 4. I was so shocked and excited! Naptime took a couple days for her to not protest as much but within a few days she was sleeping in her crib at night and for two naps a day! Fast forward a few weeks and she’s still doing great! There WILL be random nights when she wakes up more than once or protests a little more than usual (growth spurts, developmental milestones etc) but just stay the course and don’t give-in! I’m so thankful for the advice I received and happy to be getting 8-9 hours of sleep myself each night while my 9 month old is sleeping 11-12 hours!
The sleepsense program has become like a family member to us in that I love it. When I first made the purchase, without my husbands knowledge as I feared hed think I should visit the loony bin, I doubted that it would help. The first night was terrible and I cried myself to sleep not long aftet my daughter did, but she did sleep two longer blocks with 1 hour in between. Every night got better than the one before for a week. We had a set back in the middle for 6 nights (sickness, teeth?) but following that Gemma went back on track and has now had three nights in a row of solid 12.5 hours of sleep. Amazing. She is happy, I am overjoyed and we are able to enjoy our time together without wondering when the next sleep will be. Thank you Dana. The book was easy to read, very informative and the resources made it very easy to follow the process. I would recommend it to everyone. Thanks again.
I have been doing this for 15 days. Our son was 6 weeks when we started and I’ve seen enough progress to stick with it.
I would like more information on crossing the age groups. If Ayden is not consistently putting himself to sleep when can I try the other approach. The PDF indicates 3-12 months but the sleep setback videos indicate its for babies 4-12 months. This has left me a bit confused.
Also the difficult part for us is the night wakings…. They can go on 90 minutes before he goes back to sleep and if there was more hints or direction that would be appreciated.
I love how there is no guilt or anxiety about your methods. Having read the baby whisper prior to this program I can’t begin to describe the guilt and anxiety I felt each time we didn’t do it ‘the right way’
Really enjoyed your videos ….. Are there boot camp videos for birth to 3 month age group?
The small monetary investment I made to purchase the Sleep Sense program has been the best investment ever! My daughter is just under 4 months old and I am regaining my nights! The first few months were horrible….constantly awake through the night. I used the swing to help her sleep, she was coming into bed with me, all things I did not want! Now, less than 2 weeks into the program she is only waking once during the night for a feed. She goes down awake and puts herself to sleep with no fussing and she has 3 long beautiful naps during the day and also goes down beautifully for those! The first few nights are tough with the crying but oh so worth it! On top of the amazing resources online I also love that you can conference call with Dana. I took advantage of that this past week and spoke to Dana in person for no additional cost, what a gift that is! Thank you Dana! I’ve just purchased the Kids Manual for my 2 year old son and my next purchase will be the Potty Training!
Hi Dana,
Your product is good and helpful but not for everyone. We read and tried your training method but it did not work to let our baby cry. It just escalated every time. So instead, we did the slow stay in the room method. Now, even if we have to stay in the room longer, our baby is able to self sooth and this is without letting him cry. My nanny and my husband are also able to put him to sleep this way. And doing twice 60 +10 min for nap training seems a bit too much. I cut it down to 30 the second trial.
Another important thing is you MUST consider that young babies under 6 months can have sleep cycles of 30-45 minutes. Myself and many other mothers have the same problem and it is very difficult to manage a day schedule when your baby sleeps 30 min 6 times a day. I would be very useful if you could make some suggestions about that or simply create a day schedule that takes that into account.
Nevertheless, your book is very useful and helped us understand our baby’s need for sleep. We don’t regret buying your book. Your videos are most useful.
This program was just what I needed, just at the right time. When my nearly 7-month-old daughter was starting to get bags under her eyes from all her constant night waking, I knew it was time to get serious about helping her, and myself, get better sleep. Nursing to sleep was her prop, so I decided to go cold turkey on night feedings, and to my amazement, she was able to go without feeding without too much upset.
After the first week of training, thing were going great, but we had a setback when I tried taking her to my parent’s place and she refused to go down for her afternoon nap. She finally fell asleep with me lying next to her, and didn’t wake up until midnight! I had to spend the night on short notice!
After two weeks, she’s sleeping really well! She goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:30, depending on when she woke from her last nap, and with no crying at all! She had a bout of waking up at 5:10, but now she got the message and is staying asleep until 6:00. Her naps have lengthened to 1.5 hrs each. I’m very thrilled with these results!
Before starting Sleep Sense, I was definitely in the not-going-to-let-my-baby-cry camp and was waking up every 45min. – 2hrs at night to nurse. In my mind I knew that enough was enough, but I found that your e-book gave me the courage I needed to embark on sleep training with my daughter. The daily coaching videos were critical to my success. They covered most of my questions and provided wonderful tips when they were needed most. Thank you!!
My one concern after feeling that I have reached our sleep goals is that now that night feedings are a thing of the past, so is my abundant milk supply! Because my daughter is only 7 months old, I am hoping to breast feed her for at least 5 more months, if I can. I’m also going back to work in a month, and am thinking that unless I start waking up during the night just to pump, I will have to start giving my baby formula. She is eating some solid food, but I don’t want her to stop nursing quite yet. I remember one of the coaching videos mentioned that breast feeding will often improve when sleep does, since the baby will have fuller feeds less often, but I’m finding that my body is producing so little milk that she has to cluster feed during the day just to get even a few ounces! I think your program would be more complete if it addressed this issue.
Thanks again for your wonderful work. I also really appreciate the email support I’ve gotten. The Sleep Sense Program is a life-saver.
I’d like to start by saying we used the program with our second child. Our first child was a great sleeper right from the start. When we had our second, we thought we knew what we were doing and this would be a joyous breeze again. WRONG!!! Our sweet baby girl was up hourly-even at 4 months old! I am a full time working mother, and a police officer at that with rotating shifts. The lack of sleep had taken a huge toll on my body and marriage. I was so exhausted all the time my life became a blur. My patience was short with my toddler and it was not fair to her. After my husband and I literally had our twentieth argument due to lack of sleep, he found this program online. We said what do we have to loose? This was the best money we have spent. The videos were supportive and seemed to answer every question I had. Even in times of self doubt I remember I had to teach my daughter how to sleep. We followed everything perfectly. We were a team again, parents working together and the progress began. At day 10 she slept through the night. My husband and I woke up (at the normal times she did out of habit) and rushed to crib thinking something was wrong. She was sound asleep. She no longer has dark circles under her little eyes. She happily plays with her sister. My toddler does not have to suffer waking up because my youngest is crying. This program saved my family and marriage. My husband and I give each other a high five and go to sleep! Thank you again and again!
I loved the sleep sense program! It worked so well for our family! Our baby is happier, and we are happier. My husband and I are enjoying our time together in the evenings, and the baby is happier being well rested during the day.
Dana made me feel ok with the idea of ‘crying it out’. I had previously been very afraid of this concept. I thought that allowing my child to cry would harm her in some way. But, she made me feel at ease with the concept and thus the process.
I liked the program so much, I blogged about it:
Thanks, Sleep Sense! And thank you, Dana! I felt like I had a friend through the process!
I love this program, day 12 both my daughters were going to sleep without me needing to be in their room with them and they were sleeping through the night. When we started the program they wouldn’t sleep unless I was in bed with them then they were up several times a night. This has been the best decision I’ve ever made and the best money I’ve ever spent. They have slept all night 3 nights in a row!!