Hello! I am Angela, founder of UpChild Sleep and Communication Solutions.
I started this whole journey because of my 2 boys. My first born is a special needs boy who enjoys music and bringing smile to everyone. My second one….oh… quite a nightmare until when he was 18-month-old. His sleep was like a roller coaster ride and he just constantly woke up to be fed like an infant. I was really exhausted every night and the extreme exhaustion was bringing out all sorts of anxiety.
Thanks to the Sleep Sense Program and help from fellow sleep consultant, the entire house was sleeping. My nearly one and half years of sleep deprivation was over and my obsession with sleep began!
Here I am to create my early childhood community so I could help parents avoid the unnecessary exhaustion, stress, and anxiety during the early years. I am based in Singapore and I offer my service in both English and Mandarin to assist families with customized sleeping solutions for their children.