Anisa Samnani Shariff
Founder - Save My Slumber Sleep Consulting
Nairobi, Kenya

Being a first-time mum, I had no idea what to expect. Luckily, when my beautiful daughter, Farina was born, she slept pretty well for the first 3.5 months but after that she started waking up every hour and only slept in my arms or while breastfeeding! I could feel myself sinking into Postpartum Depression and really found no joy in being a mum. This is when I realised that I had to make changes. I searched for hacks online, asked all my family and friends for advice but nothing seemed to work. Finally, I came across the Sleep Sense Program by Dana Obleman. The program provided a step-by-step guide on how to gently teach my daughter independent sleep skills. Soon after starting the program, Farina was sleeping through the night and this is when I knew I wanted to help educate parents on how to guide their children towards healthier sleep. I wanted to make sure that mums and dads out their stop believing that sleepless nights are normal just because they are parents now. Good sleep is a reachable Dream…and much sooner than you think!
Let’s get your baby and family sleeping through the night!