I am Divya, mom to a beautiful little toddler that gave me sleepless nights for 10 months straight! That`s until I found a Sleep Sense Consultant who worked with me and my daughter started sleeping through the night from the FIRST night. “Why didn’t we do this sooner,” is the only question we had. We have not had a tough night so far. ABSOLUTE MAGIC!
I was so inspired, I enrolled immediately to become a sleep consultant to help other parents and children. Who would ever say no to having their baby get great sleep and naps. Everyone is just happier when rested. I decided that this was something that I truly enjoyed learning about and believed in its extreme value and importance.
I founded Sleep Snooze Consultancy to help other families get through their sleep struggles and I work with children 0 to 5 years and also help Mums-to-be. You can reach out to me HERE for a free evaluation.
For the love of Sleep x