Judit Gilani
Judit Gilani Sleep Consulting
Bergamo, Italy

Hello, my name is Judit and I am a Pediatric Sleep Consultant.

When I was expecting my firstborn, I was overwhelmed by the ocean of contradicting information that is out there for parents. Of course, every baby is different. But it soon became clear that there are two main sources of problems for parents: one is feeding – it’s surprising how much anxiety can come with feeding babies! – and the other is sleep – who would have thought that it could be so difficult to put a baby to sleep, even when baby is already sleepy?

I looked for answers and started studying: after a lot of research, I fell in love with the science of child-sleeping – I learnt the foundations of the profession, I was selected to become a Certified Sleep Sense™ Consultant and ever since I have been applying what I learned in my own family and for others, too.

With my daughter together we tried many things: we slept together in the same bed and we slept separately; we spent our days with no schedule, freely winging it, then we went by a consistent schedule; we traveled and visited 3rd world countries, too, experiencing how parents put their children to sleep in other places, etc. Short and sweet: I am passionate about sleep and I keep searching for what is best for my child and for other children.

I believe in the gentle methods that the Sleep Sense™ Program offers because not only it is successful but I personally experience its positive effects on my own daughter and in hundreds of families. I understand the feeling of helplessness, exhaustion and confusion of being a new parent and/or a parent of a child who sleeps poorly. I dedicate my professional life to help families get back the chance of quality sleeping and have a full life with all the joy of parenting.

If you are struggling with your child’s sleep, and you would like to have a step-by-step customised plan to get them sleep long enough and in a restorative way, I am here for you. I work with families in Hungarian, English and Italian languages.

Let sleep be for everyone!