Rahma Alawi
Founder of Babyosleep
Jordan, Kuwait & GCC

Hello, my name is Rahma Alawi and I am a Certified Sleep Sense™ Consultant.

I was once a sleep deprived mom and it was the hardest thing ever. It affected my mood and everybody around me.

I then decided to try sleep training and I loved it. I never looked back!

My daughter was sleeping again and so was I. Because I was so happy with the results, I decided to become a Sleep Consultant and help moms around the world achieve that and have good quality sleep.

From my personal experience on the topic and with the knowledge that I have, I can for sure help you with your little ones’ sleep challenges. So no matter where you are in the world, I can work with you online throughout the whole consultation and you and your baby will be sleeping through the night in no time.

Book a call with me or email me and let’s get started.