Platinum Edition Upgrade Offer:

Regular Price: $129
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When you upgrade your order to The Platinum Edition of The Sleep Sense Program, you get instant access to everything already included with your Basic & Gold purchases, PLUS:

1. The Sleep Sense™ Telephone Hotline

Every week, I block off several hours to host conference calls exclusively for parents using The Sleep Sense™ Program. This means that if you have questions about your child specifically, you can pick up the phone, call with your questions, and get thoughtful, detailed answers!(It’s kind of like a radio call-in show, with my team of Certified Sleep Sense Consultants as host…)

And even if you DON’T have any questions of your own to ask, you’re always welcome to call and just listen in! There are always some great discussions, and we might give you an answer to a question that you didn’t even know you had!

When you get started with The Sleep Sense™ Program, you’ll have instant access to the Telephone Hotline… and there are no restrictions on how often you can call in!

2. TWO Personalized E-mail Support Sessions

Let’s face it: No book or video is going to be able to answer EVERY question you might have about your child’s sleep. That’s why you’ll also get personal e-mail support. If – at any time – you have a specific question, you’ll be provided with a special private e-mail address. Simply send your questions to that address, and get a thoughtful, detailed response by the next business day!

And the best part is that these email support sessions NEVER expire! That means you can e-mail me weeks, months, or even YEARS down the road if you ever have specific questions about your child’s sleep!

Platinum Edition Upgrade Offer:

Regular Price: $129
Add to your order now
for just $30

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