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3 quick sleep “tricks” to try with baby

When it comes to getting a baby sleeping through the night, there really is no substitute for the complete, step-by-step method I teach in The Sleep Sense Program.

However, over the years I’ve definitely come across some “tricks” that can make a BIG difference in a baby’s sleep. If you’re still struggling with your child’s trick, I encourage you to check these 3 tricks out… and even give one a try tonight:

1) Be Boring Before Bed

A predictable, relaxing bedtime routine — one that’s the same every night — is super-important for letting your baby know that sleeptime is approaching. Most parents set up a bedtime routine that looks something like this:

  • bath
  • pajamas
  • story
  • feed
  • bedtime

That’s great, but here’s a really important tip:

After your bedtime routine is complete, be boring. Lots of children will try to “drag out” bedtime by playing games, throwing toys out of the crib, standing up, etc.

Don’t participate.

If your child has thrown their blanket or favorite stuffed toy out of the crib, calmly return the item without saying a word. Be boring, and the games shouldn’t last too long!

2) Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark

We humans (babies and toddlers included) sleep better in the dark.

Try making your child’s room as dark as possible. (I recommend using blackout blinds, taping cardboard over the windows, or whatever it takes!)

In many cases, even the glow from a nightlight or a digital alarm clock can be enough to disrupt your child’s sleep cycle!
And try to keep your child’s room as dark as possible during daytime naps, too.

This can often make a BIG difference in how long your child will nap during the day!

3) Same Time, Same Place

Remembering that our children love predictability, it’s a good idea to have your child sleep in the same place – at the same time – every day.

This means that naptime should happen in the same place as nighttime sleep – rather than in carseats, strollers, your lap at the coffee shop, etc.

For many parents, simply changing WHERE their child naps during the day causes a big improvement in the length and quality of nighttime sleep.

I’ve found that even one of these quick tips can sometimes make a real difference how easily your child will fall asleep at night… and how long they’ll stay asleep.

However, if you’re looking for a much more complete, step-by-step guide to getting your child sleeping through the night, I encourage you to check out this special offer:

Easiest Way To A Good Night’s Sleep

That’s a “hidden” page on my website where you can get The Sleep Sense Program at a special unadvertised discount.

It’s the same program that’s been used by over 109,000 parents like you to get their babies and toddler sleeping through the night.

Try The Sleep Sense Program Here

Backed by a 1-year, no-questions-asked guarantee. Love it or pay nothing. :)

Sleep well,


P.S. Oooh, just thought of one more bonus tip for you:

When you are putting your child to sleep for the night, it’s a good idea to make sure that they fall asleep where you want them to stay asleep.

In other words, if your child falls asleep in your arms on the couch and then wakes up during the night in a completely different place (like their crib), chances are they’ll be surprised… and start crying to let you know about it!

Get Your Unadvertised Discount Here

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