The Blog

3 Ways to Stop a Toddler Tantrum

You’ll probably never completely avoid the toddler meltdown scenario, (if you do, myself and every other mom on earth wants to know your secret!) but there are ways to keep them as short and civil as possible. Today, I’ve got a few tips for helping to settle your little one when they start to go off the rails.

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Are you frustrated (and sometimes embarrassed) by your child’s tantrums and outbursts… whining and fighting… or other “bad” behavior? Does your house often feel like a battlefield between you and your children? Are you looking for a better way to resolve conflicts with your kids? Check out “Kids, The Manual” and by following some simple, step-by-step methods, most of these problems can be quickly and calmly eliminated from your home… often in as little as just 2 days!

Baby Not Sleeping Through The Night?

Get One-On-One Help!

Yes, The Sleep Sense™ Program is a great Do-It-Yourself guide for solving your baby or toddler’s sleep problems!

But if you’re looking for full-service, one-on-one help, I’m here to help!

The Sleep Sense Philosophy

Cry-it-out? Coddle? Co-sleep? Attachment parenting? Ferberizing?
If you’re going to let me help you with something as precious as your child’s sleep, you probably want to know a little bit about who I am and exactly how I think...

Dana’s Sleep Blog

Straight talk about sleep, parenting,
babies, toddlers, relationships… and
just about anything else!
My blog is a great place to find opinions, advice, the occasional rant, and some great videos about sleep.

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  • Free Baby Sleep Class: Tip #3

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  • Free Baby Sleep Class: Tip #4

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