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Sleeping at the Table?

Child Sleeping at TableI was recently out to dinner with my husband, Michael. This is something we try to do about twice a month, just to take a break and have some “couple time.”

One of the things he likes to tease me about is that if I see a young child while we are out past about 9:30 p.m., I instantly look at my watch to see what time it is. 

I can’t help myself… I really do wonder sometimes why on earth parents would want to have their young children are up so late at night!

Anyway, on this particular evening, it was about 8:30 and I noticed that there were a few children of varying ages sitting near us.

One in particular was about two years old and kicking up quite a fuss. Crying, pouting, the whole production.

“Oh, she must be tired”, I said to my husband — who also teases me that “tiredness” is my diagnosis for almost anything!

About an hour later, when I looked around again, I saw that three of the children near our table were sound asleep! 

The fussy two-year-old was asleep in her mom’s arms, and two other little boys were passed out with their heads down on the table!

I turned to my husband and said “Can you imagine if I forced  you to go out for dinner when you were SO exhausted that you couldn’t help putting your head down on the table… and falling asleep?!”

I know, I know… some of you are probably thinking “Well, I didn’t have children so that I could stay home every night. Children fit into my life… not the other way around!”

And the truth is that I could not agree more! I’m a firm believe that a person’s life should have alone time, friend time, couple time, and family time.

But I also don’t think you can roll them all into one.

For example, if I’m going to see my friends and it’s past our kids’ bedtime, my husband stays home or we get a sitter.

If I need some “me” time, I go out in the evenings, or take an afternoon off, or just lock myself in the bedroom for a little while.

If I want to spend time with my husband in the evening, we get a sitter. 

And when I want to be with my family, we go out at appropriate times when our children are refreshed and actually able to enjoy themselves!

Ok, that’s the end of my rant for today. Feel free to disagree, say “Amen sister!,” or share your stories in the ‘Comments’ section of this page:

And if you’re looking for a complete, step-by-step system you can use to get your child sleeping straight through the night, you can get an automatic $20 discount on “The Sleep Sense Program” by using the link below:

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