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What is Your Sleep Goal

What does “a good night’s sleep” look like for you?

Imagine for a moment that a genie has appeared, and promised to instantly solve your child’s sleep problems… What would you wish for?

Share your answers in the “Comments” section below.

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1 year ago

Being able to put my 15month old son to bed with the confidence that he falls asleep with ease and on his own. And sleeping through the night for 11 hours straight, or, if he briefly wakes up in between, he will be able to go back to sleep swiftly and without assistance.

Ana Sofia
1 year ago

I want my son to stay asleep at night, at least for 3-4 hour windows instead of waking every 1-2 hours. Also I want him to start napping in his crib.

1 year ago

I would like that my precious Kai, 8 and a half months old now slept throughout the night. He already falls asleep on his own for naps and bedtime most of the time… If he could just sleep for his 11-12 on one go…♥️

1 year ago

I would like my 3.5 month old to have a consistent sleep schedule and sleep independently for naps and nighttime, through the night.

1 year ago

I would like my 8 months old son to fall asleep on his own for naps and night time and to sleep through the night.

1 year ago

I would like my 7 month old daughter to be able to fall asleep on her own and sleep through the night for at least 10 hours (hopefully more like 11-12).

1 year ago

I would like my almost 4 month old to sleep through the night with ease… A couple of naps during the day would be much appreciated as well.

1 year ago

I would like my 2,5 month old to fall asleep on his own and nap during the day longer than 40 minutes. I would like for him to enjoy going to bed and fall asleep easily instead of fighting it.

1 year ago

I want my 8 month old to fall asleep on her own during naps and at night. I want her to sleep longer than 20 minutes during her naps and I want her to sleep through the night for at least 10 hours.

1 year ago

We would like our 4 month old to learn to put himself to sleep in the crib and sleep 11-12 hours overnight. :)

1 year ago

I want my 13 month old to stay asleep in his crib and sleep through the night.

1 year ago

I would like my baby to fall asleep easily in his crib during day times nap times, go to sleep easily at night and be able to sleep until 7am

1 year ago

I would like my baby to fall asleep independently and stay asleep. She’s waking currently up to 12 times per night and it’s exhausting.

1 year ago

I want my 3 month old to be able to sleep in her crib for longer than 20-30 minutes. I want her to be able to find the best way to self soothe that way not only her Daddy and I, but most importantly baby girl gets to sleep peacefully and obtains the rest she deserves. I want baby girl to not require me to hold/nurse her to sleep.

1 year ago

I just want to be able to put her to sleep without it taking hours on end. And eventually put her down and have her stay asleep for longer than 20 minutes.
I want to start having a life again, for myself and with my husband, without the stress of wondering if baby will go to sleep, and when, and for how long.
I want to have some kind of schedule to follow, even loose, so I can plan something for my day.

1 year ago

I want my 11 months baby girl to fall asleep by herself and sleep through the night or if she wakes up in the middle of the night find the way to go back to sleep. I also want to be able to be a person and a woman again beyond being a mom, I need time with my husband, to talk, to watch tv together and connect as we use to. My mom, who helps me so much needs a break too, she always wake up and stays by my side when my little girl is awake during the night.

1 year ago

I want to be able to set baby (8mo) down in her own bed awake and “tuck her in” and know that she’ll quickly and peacefully fall asleep on her own. Even if we still get up in the night to nurse, I want the setting back down to be easy and restful.

1 year ago

I want my now 10 month old to sleep in his own bed and to sleep through the night. I want him to also stop fighting his naps while at my sister and mom’s house

1 year ago

I want my almost 2-year old toddler to be able to fall asleep without nursing and stop waking (me) up every 2 hours each night. I want my brain to start working again and I want more time for myself and my partner in the evenings.

1 year ago

2 months of life with my daughter and loving our contact naps but aware that there is a nursery placement looming in 1.5 months time so want to help my daughter feel safe to sleep well without me.
Less reliance on being rocked to sleep, able to nap in her crib without a dummy or being held to fall asleep first. I want her to feel as safe and secure as when she sleeps on me which seems impossible but that’s the real goal. I’d like bed time to be 7/7.30 instead of 9.30/10pm. Also as she gets older to have a solid foundation for healthy sleep and sleep through the night.

1 year ago

I want my 3.5month baby to sleep trough the night, wake up no earlier than 7am, go to sleep without crying and props and have longer naps during the day.

Isabelle Fernandes
1 year ago

I want my 2 weeks old son to be able to sleep in longer stretches at night without having to depend on a feed or rocking to fall asleep. Additionally, I want his naps to be as per the required standard for his development. This would help me get my rest and be able to interact with him in a better way during the wake windows.

1 year ago

I want my 15 month old to self soothe throughout the night. I want to get more than 3 hours of sleep in my own bed.

1 year ago

I just want to sleep through the night again!

1 year ago

I want my 4 month baby to get a good night sleep (8-10 hours straight) so all me and my family get to rest to. A way so he can sleep himself without me nursing and bouncing him around.

1 year ago

To get 6-8 hours of straight sleep and for my 7 month old to put herself back to sleep without nursing

1 year ago

I would like my 5 week old daughter to be able to sleep longer during the nights so I get a proper rest too and to stop falling asleep while she’s feeding.

1 year ago

I want to help my 12 month old sleep through the night and I want to start sleeping through the night too.

1 year ago

I would like my daughter fall asleep without nursing her before bedtime and without her dummy and then to sleep 11 straight hours without me nursing her every two hours.

1 year ago

My 3 months boy is sleeping quiet good at night (with his favorite song, breastfeeding and walking at same time), about 4-5 hours without waking up, and then walking up every 2 hours for breastfeeding, but I think I don’t have enough milk, that’s why he can’t get more and sleep longer ( at nights I am only breastfeeding, at daytime also giving formula 60-100ml brest other formula, together 170-180ml).
We have a problem with daytime Naps, when I put him into his crib he is waking up immediately or after 5-10 minutes. And I need to walk and breastfeed again to make him sleep again.
After torturing 3 weeks I have found out the solution, just putting him to a stroller and swinging (he is usually almost sleepy at that moment), then he waking up in 40 minutes and I swinging if noticed it early or breastfeeding if he already active . I’ve just bought this program and hope to be able to put my baby to a bed at daytime also and at night sleep easier.
I’ve read about proses and I think than it was necessary, that’s why we started to use something to make baby sleep.
In hospital and 10 days after I was just putting baby to a crib after feeding and he sleeps well.
But then he started became nervous before sleep.

Last edited 1 year ago by Zara

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